Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Eric Zorn is a 6th Grader -Ayers is a Terrorist and McCain is an Adulterer.

If Ayers is a terrorist, then McCain is an adulterer and I am a 6th grader.

Perhaps history will one day judge harshly all of those who participated in educational reform efforts or other civic projects in which Ayers was involved. This will include former University of Illinois and Northwestern University presidents; top honchos at Ameritech, Continental Bank and the Field Museum; and even the former publisher of the Tribune
Eric Zorn's Change of Subject

Yep. McCain committed adultery. I hate adultery. I never once even considered cheating on my late wife who struggled like a Champ through brain cancer and to her return to Christ. I don't forgive adultery. However, I have voted for many adulterers for public office - Bubba is World Class Tom Cat-er and I voted for Clinton twice. Billy Ayers is a terrorist and will always be one. McCain cheated on his wife and she forgave him. Bubba cheated on Hillary and they are still together. Billy Ayers would blow up anything to do with the integrity of American Life with dynamite or pedagogy and that I do not forget or forgive, but as long as Ayers obeys the law may he live peacefully in the ignominy he so well deserves.

Eric Zorn is busy doing nuanced parsing about Obama/Ayers - Obama made his bones with Billy Ayers.

Eric Zorn is a 6th Grader. McCain is an Adulterer; Eric a 6th Grader; and Billy Ayers an unrepentant domestic terrorist. Now that we have that settled. . .Eric. . .here is your curriculum Get Busy, Big Boy!


The sixth grade Communication Arts class is a required full year course. The class will focus on the total writing process and center on grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Writing will include effective sentences, paragraphs, compositions, and reports. The class will include at least one oral presentation.

Sixth grade Social Studies is the study of geographic regions of the world. Students study the social, political, economic and physical aspects of world geography. The study of world geography helps the student gain a greater understanding of countries' locations, cultures, developments, relationships and interdependence.

Sixth grade General Science is a course which builds upon elementary science. The course includes integrated units of study on life, earth and physical science in preparation for specific courses in grades 7-12. Experimentation will be an integral part of science instruction and process skills will be stressed. Students will be prompted to question, investigate, explore and hypothesize. Activities may include the construction of models and/or the use of manipulative, interactive and physical materials.

Sixth grade Mathematics, a survey of mathematics, will review and extend the mathematical concepts of whole numbers and fraction arithmetic, statistics, and geometry.

Sixth grade Reading is a required course that meets daily throughout the school year. Students will use a wide variety of reading materials and genres appropriate to their reading and interest levels. Previously learned reading skills will continue to be reinforced while new comprehension, vocabulary and study skills are introduced. Students will participate in silent reading during regularly scheduled blocks of time.

Sixth grade Physical Education is a progressively planned co-educational program in lifetime sports. Content will include large and small group games, skill drills, individual sports activities, and related lifetime sports.

Art (Alternate Days) - Sixth grade Exploratory Art will involve the student in the basics of two-dimensional drawing, painting, printmaking and design as well as three-dimensional forms. A variety of methods and media will be stressed with hands-on activities.
Music (Alternate Days) - Sixth grade General Music is a semester class required of all students who are not enrolled in Beginning Band or Orchestra. Classes meet every other day, alternating with Physical Education. Two main areas of study include music reading fundamentals and music literature. Reading fundamentals will be developed primarily through the study of vocal music. The music literature component will consist of an historical overview of the western art music tradition.

Beginning Band - Beginning Band is a year-long course designed to offer students an opportunity to learn to play a band instrument. Students will be divided into like instrument groups. Emphasis will be placed on learning basic instrumental skills and technique, care of the instrument and music terminology.

Beginning Strings - The Beginning String program includes students in grades five, six, and seven. At this level students are encouraged to work for musical performance by producing a good tone, playing in tune, and developing correct technical skills. At the end of the first year of study, students are given the opportunity to perform in an all district orchestra.
Junior Orchestra (Alternate Days) - Junior Orchestra is a year-long class for sixth grade students who have completed Beginning Strings. Emphasis will be on note reading and ensemble playing. Some performances are required.


  1. I've met this guy and his is indeed a true pansy and a half. The kind of guy who got smacked around all his life growing up and now wields a sword in the form of his pen and keyboard and uses it to defend his fellow pansies I'm afraid. '

    Here's a fine example of his work, regarding Vagina Inspections...

  2. I have yet to meet you Chicago Ray . . .Oh, you mean Eric.

  3. Yeah man I mean Eric Zorn, sorry for the confusion not You!!

  4. Ray, My Man!

    Just having a little self-directed fun at the expense of this more than ripe subject for satire -meself.

    Your great work at Chicago Ray is the most fun that I've had with my clothes on in a long time!

    Keep up the great work Chicago Ray!

  5. Thanks my friend (can't use that anymore thanks to John McCain saying it every other sentence :()

    Zorn is a real ferry though, that I'm not kidding about and a Chicago circle member of the inner lib lover club, so he's pretty well liked in the media and not by anyone else, lol

  6. Ferry Cross the Mersey! Lawd Ha' Mercy! Good God! Feeling all Wilson Pickett this A.M.!

    He'p me! Say Na' Nah,nah,nah,nah,nahhhhhh nah, nah, nah ...nana,nah, nana nah, nana,nah,naaaaaahhhhhh .....Come on Pony Like a Bony Maroney!

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