Thursday, March 27, 2008

Obama's Uncle Jere - God Damn 'Mother Cabrini, Enrico Fermi, Father Groppi and Their Garlic Noses!

Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect. He contains within him the contradictions - the good and the bad - of the community that he has served diligently for so many years.
from Senator Barack Obama's March 18,2008 Lecture to America on Race Relations - One Day before St. Joseph's Day.

Okay. . . again.

Obama's got problems. His 'Crazy Uncle," Rev. Jeremiah Wright defames Italians in the magazine that he publishes and for which he Wrights a column.

Click my post title to read Pastor Wright's Wrongs.

The great theologian should consider these facts:

Two of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Italian descent: Maryland's William Paca and Delaware's Caesar Rodney. God Damn!

During the Civil War, the 39th New York Infantry consisted of 830 Italian Americans, known as "the Garibaldi Guard," who fought in the Union Army from Bull Run to Appomattox. Two Italian Americans also were Union generals: Brigadier General Francis Spinola and General Luigi Palma di Cesnola.
Fought to Fight Slavery!

God Damn!

The first American to be named a saint was the Italian American nun, Mother Frances Cabrini, who was canonized in 1946.

God Damn!

The only man in U.S. history to win the country's two highest military honors -- the Navy Cross and the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor -- was John Basilone, a U.S. marine who died during the Battle of Iwo Jima in 1945.

God Damn!

Hank Luisetti - invented the one-handed layup in basketball .

Now, Hold On!

Barack Obama should have, but did not get out in front of his discipleship and friendship with a serial hater and bitter man.

Read more.

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