Thursday, March 27, 2008

Code Stupid Part V: Six Morons Who Committed Violence and Desecrated the Sanctity of Worship Want Your Help - Chicago Police -Serve and Protect!

The Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War, six Mopes who sprayed blood on Catholic worshippers this past Easter Sunday at Holy Name Cathedral, have inspired local and national nut-jobs to trespass on Francis Cardinal George's property tonight.

This evening we will bring these demands to the doorstep of Cardinal
George. We are calling for a peaceful vigil in front of Cardinal George's
mansion at 1555 North State Parkway (North Ave and State St). Supporters
of peace and the Holy Name 6 will gather at 6:30pm with candles and signs.
End the war now!
Free the Holy Name 6!

It is my sincereand genuine hope that the entire network of support enjoyed by Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War be give the strongest attention of the Archdiocese Law Office, The Cook County States Attorney, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Secretary of State of Illinois Jesse White. Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, The Office of Homeland Security, the Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Sun Times, and the men and women of the Chicago Police Department.

Please give special attention to

1. The Catholic Schoolgirls Against The War

2. Hamerhard Mediaworks is also a ICPJ member, listed this way: "HammerHard Mediaworks is a worker-run non-profit collective of media professionals and activists committed to media advocacy, skills-sharing and movement-building in partnership with grassroots progressive groups."

3. Kevin Clark of the International Solidarity Movement - give this beauty a real gimlet-eyed analysis. Kev like martyrs - not his own martyrdom mind you - that of others.

4. Andy Thayer - Gay Activist and Anti-War Activist - Andy manages just fine on his own as a local doofus.

5. Any and all persons complicit in the Easter Sunday act of domestic terrorism

Solidarity - Hang together! It was a group effort. Let's let all the Mopes take a bow together! Give credit where credit is owed.

Nota Bene!Stacey St. Clair of the Chicago Tribune! Stacey time to take a hard look at this story!

Click my post title for Mope Press Release!


  1. What a bunch of morons! Lets have a look see at the great reporter there "the Brad Pitt wanna be" Kevin Gotzola. He gotz something but they ain't brass or any other material that I can think of unless it is the material his Momma's apron strings are made of. Then there are the old farts that are beyond doing much else except annoy society because Lord knows they ain't got nothing better to do than smoke dope and protest. You are right Mistah Pat they committed violence and desecration and are where they belong. But the majority of these protestors are cowards that are afraid that the draft could be reenstated and their cowardly behinds might actually have to defend the country or their kids might have to defend the country that they so rightously are turning their backs on now. That so many have sacrificed so much to give them the freedoms to commit the acts that they are committing. They are a bunch of cowards and need to go and join Code Pink with their traitorous acts because they would fit right in and as I have stated before this is unamerican and acts like this call for deportation. That is where these bunch of cowards as well as that bunch of cowards at Code Pink belong.

  2. These mopes are MTV products who,along with the 'punk'd gottcha' cutieness of Michale Moore, Maher and Olbermann - timid mousies who never had to wait for the blow-back on their activities and hid out before the slap, belive that conviction is situational - like their ethics.

    Make a snotty crack or do something offensive and one must accept the consequences.

    The cowards hiding behind the camera's eye need to flushed into the public view, more than these hopeless dummies who were manipulated into commiting a hate crime.

    The Six need their martydom - let them have it - good and stiff.

  3. "Domestic Terrorism"? Uncle Pat you've been watching a little too much Fox News.

    I don't agree with the protest. Easter Sunday at a Catholic Church? Wrongheaded. Misguided. I'd even say Moronic. But terrorism? Let's cool down the rhetoric a little.

    Mistah Cole Curits, do you believe that being against the war in Iraq is akin to to being anti-American? Is protesting a war really "traitorous"?

  4. Bart,

    Just trying to off-set the legitimizing rhetoric of 'witnesses, martyrs and peace advocates.

    BTW - the Only thing that I watch on FOX is 'The Simpsons'. Oh, yeah I forgot 'House' - I like that too.

    I watch MSNBC News because it is almost as funny as funny as the Simpsons.

    Are your Mom and Maggie back?
