Tuesday, March 25, 2008

John McCain: Consistent Clear Leadership v. Moral Equivalence

Dean's Democrats are Frustrated Man! Moral Equivalence is Losing to Leadership!

DNC Creative Non Violence Leader, Altoona Harp, III, posited this profound assessment,

'It's a War Man! It's Like What Bill Maher Said and Mike Moore Showed in His Movie - Bush Hates White Women! There's Prisoners, Man! And Racism. And . . .Can I have that Hamburger when Your Done with It! Creative! Sweet!'

The Daffy Dean DNC behind Howard 'The Duck' Dean, The Hollywood Working Classes Moral Equivalence Team fighting for you on Huffington Post, Catholic School Girls for Peace, Hamerhard Media.com, Kevin Clark of the International Solidarity Movement which managed to kill a number of people in Gaza in 2003 are lined up against John McCain.

At the moment John McCain has no one to fight - he's giving Peace a chance. Hillary is trying to get invisible delegates and Barack is bagging some rays in the Caribbean; so six goofs with bottles of blood spray old women and little kids at Easter Sunday Mass in Chicago's Holy Name Cathedral Annex. Peace.

Oh, Yeah! That'll bring Peace, Cupcakes! Naw, it netted our six Revolutionary Robots, goaded by a crumb named Kevin Clark, into getting themselves locked up and slapped with arange of $25,000 to $35,000 bonds and the chance to sit for 12 semesters in prison:

The protesters, three men and three women, were present via telecast for Monday's court hearing after spending the night in jail.

One still had the fake blood covering his shirt and loudly corrected Circuit Judge Donald Panarese when he mispronounced his name.

All six are charged with felony criminal defacement of property and two counts of simple battery.

Prosecutors said the six were charged with felony charges because the damaged property belonged to a religious entity and the church will have to spend about $3,000 to replace chairs and carpeting.

A $400 cleaning failed to remove stains left by the fake blood, they said.

Prosecutors identified the six arrested as Donte D. Smith, 18; Ephran Ramirez Jr., 22; Ryne Ziemba, 25; and Regan Maher, 25, all of Chicago; Angela Haban, 20, of Prospect Heights; and Mercedes Phinaih, 18, of Downstate Bloomington.

The protesters, part of a group called Catholic School Girls Against the War despite their male and female membership, could each face up to five years in prison if convicted.

Judge Panarese set bond for each at $25,000 except for Smith, who prosecutors said spent time in federal prison for illegal entry onto a military installation. He received $35,000 bond.

Attorney Robert Luddeman, who represented all six at the hearing, said he felt the bonds were high.

Contrary to the publicity coup pulled off by the six on Sunday, supporters who attended Monday's hearing rushed from the Criminal Courts Building without comment and were followed outside by half a dozen reporters and cameramen.

The supporters, several with bright red highlights in their hair, told the media to back off and then asked them to wait for five minutes.

But after a several minute impasse–with both sides firing angry glances at one another–a handful of people arrived bearing peace banners.. Others in the group of 20 held aloft pictures of Iraqi children. And then everyone continued standing and staring at one another.

No one gave a comment, no one gave their name and no one associated themselves with any affiliation or cause.

Finally, Kathy Kelly, a member of the anti-war organization, Voices for Creative Non-Violence, spoke.

Though not a member of Catholic School Girls Against the War, Kelly said she was impressed with the impact the protests had and stressed the tragedy of lost lives in Iraq.

"It's so easy for people to become numb to the consequences of this war," said Kelly, 54. "By protesting they were able to occasion a great deal of attentiveness."


Missing again form today's Sun Times and Chicago Tribune Coverage is whack-job ISM goad, Kevin Clark. Why is this 'witness' to martyrdom getting scarce all of a sudden and why is the media not shedding some light on the CREATIVE Anti-War network getting the big story? Tony Rezko is huge, but reporters really do not need to work to get the story there ( must be the point) - it's coming out all on its own at the Dirksen Center. Get on the people who are pushing actual violence on Worshippers - Moral Equivalence again. 'There is a War out there People! Pour Blood on Grandma!'

Publisher and Patriot, Patrick Hynes, presents the John McCain leadership position. The only alternate to the Moral Equivalence BS being touted by the guerrilla theatre Democrats. Click my post title as to why McCain is swatting Moral Equivalence fungos out over the wall.

1 comment:

  1. What is so sweet about all of this Mistah Pat is that even with all the smear tactics of The New York Times and their twerps,Howard Dean and his dingbats ,Hillary and her haunts then there is Obama and his ombats; they still can't meet their objective. We all know that objective is to bring Mac down and knock him out,but they are like gnats taking on an elephant(pardon the pun), but it ain't happening.The people can see who is consistent,constant and authoratative, which we all know is is part of what makes Mac head and shoulders above the rest.
