Monday, March 24, 2008

Code Stupid Part IV - Hamerhard Media, Michael Moore, Andy Thayer, Kevin Clark, Catholic Schoolgirls Against The War and Bloody Sunday

The Nut Bag is Deep. Kevin Clark of International Solidarity Movement(ISM) a thoroughly discredited wing of the Palestine terror network that helped get people killed in 2003 and Chicago Media group Hamerhard Media; party planners for violent acts, n'cest pas? Michale Moore touting the work of Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War - produced by Funded Organizations listed below. Who says stuff just happens?

Yesterday, Easter Mass worshippers at Holy Name Cathedral Annex were violently assaulted by six domestic terrorists/martyrs/goofs/ISM-stooges/ whatever. All six were arrested and charged with felonies. One of their witnesses Kevin Clark, 57 of International Solidarity Movement - discredited by Mother Jones as responsible if not complicit in the deaths of some people in Gaza in 2003 disappeared from the Chicago Tribune reports this morning. Bad idea Tribune - that is why no one is buying the Sun Times.

Turns out Kevin Clark has a friend in Michael Moore - the Reverse Gandhi of the American Left. Michael Moore touts Hamer Hard Media for it's fine work in this guerrilla theatre at Holy Name yesterday.

Hamer Hard Media -Here's Who we are:

Who we are Our history Our partners

Who we are: HammerHard Mediaworks is a worker-run non-profit collective of media professionals and activists committed to media advocacy, skills-sharing and movement-building in partnership with grassroots progressive groups.

Our history: HammerHard MediaWorks was jumpstarted in Chicago in 1995 by activist and communications worker Christine Geovanis, who needed a handle for press outreach to support the family of a mentally ill man who was beaten to death in front of his wife and children by two Chicago police officers. Today, HammerHard’s core collective includes Chris, independent media activist Richard Reilly, audio and video producer Allan Gomez, policy analyst Joleen Kirschenman, LGBT activist Philana Fisher, Palestinian solidarity activist Mahmud Ahmad, community activist Andy Thayer, stellar graphic designer Emily Lonigro and a rolling crew of volunteer partners and interns who keep the work going. Collective members have worked on issues that range from rank-and-file trade union democracy and immigrant rights to Palestinian solidarity and police brutality. Active projects today include tactical and public relations planning in projects revolving around police brutality, anti-war initiatives, and media access issues.

Our partners: Groups with whom we have a standing relationship or have worked with recently include Jewish Voice for Peace, the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism, Carpenters for a Democratic Union, Peace Pledge/Chicago, the Free Palestine Alliance, the Arab American Action Network, Houston Global Awareness, People Power Can End the War Coalition, United Students Against Sweatshops, Smartmeme, PERRO -- the Pilson Environmental Rights & Reforms Organization, Democracy Uprising, the DNC to RNC March Project, the Stop CAT Coalition, the 8th Day Center for Justice, ISM -- the International Solidarity Movement, Chicago Action Medical.

Here's What They Do:

What we do How we work

What we do: Our collective members provide press outreach, tactical planning, public relations, and training in organizing and outreach to grassroots projects fighting for economic and social justice. The project is run – as it was from the day it was created – as a pro bono effort, although we have on the rare occasion allowed a project to kick us a couple of bucks. Our individual collective members also work on contract to spec on a variety of projects.

The HammerHard collective's philosophy is simple: help get the word out about stories that have to be told – and empower the people whose lives drive those stories to change the root conditions that thwart justice today. That philosophy is imbued with a couple of key concepts:

►First, media strategies must be embedded in a larger strategic organizing approach, so that core organizing goals always drive the messaging – and safeguard the integrity of the organizing effort.

►Second, movement-building is intrinsically bound to community- building, and wherever possible our work is designed to connect groups and people across shared lines of concern and common points of unity.

►Third, our collective strength is built on the struggles and accumulated wisdom of the people and projects who’ve broken ground before us. It is our right and our responsibility to pass these strengths along, free from the constraints of the commercial ‘imperatives’ that commonly undercut social and economic justice.

How we work: We run this volunteer effort collectively, and are always open to sharing our resources, collaborating with people and projects that share our goals, and working with groups to allow them to take control of their own media work and broader organizing. We are also committed to tapping into the burgeoning environments of new media, technology and information-sharing that have evolved in recent years as alternatives to traditional modes of media and organizing work. That said, we recognize that some traditional approaches – including people-to-people outreach and a renewed interest in approaches that are rooted in direct democracy – continue to have enormous value in our work. While we’re happy to manage media messaging and tactical planning for our partners, we are also deeply committed to sharing the skills and resources that allow grassroots projects to seize control of their own messaging and strengthen their organizing efforts.

And Michael Moore touts their efforts on his site:

March 24th, 2008 12:42 am
Fake Blood, Real Arrests in Holy Name Cathedral Easter Service Disruption

WBBM 780

Six anti-war protestors have been charged following an Easter service disruption at Holy Name Cathedral in the Loop Sunday morning.

Three men and three women were arrested at 735 N. State St. at the 11:40 a.m. service. Cardinal Francis George was leading services at the Parish Center because of construction at the main Cathedral. The protestors discharged packets of fake blood. Some of it splattered parishioners.

The men arrested: 21-year-old Donte D. Smith, 22-year-old Ephran Ramirez, Jr., and 25-year-old Ryane J. Ziemba.

The women arrested: 18-year-old Mercedes Phinaih, 25-year-old Regan Maher and 20-year-old Angela Haban.

All six protestors have been charged with two counts of felony criminal damage to property and two counts of simple battery.

As Cardinal George began his homily, the protesters stood up to stage what they called a Die-In.

Protestors denounced the Cardinal for meeting this past January with President Bush, who they label a war criminal.

Ushers rushed in to remove the protestors along with some Chicago police officers who were stationed in the lobby to help with traffic control. The demonstrators also laid down – passive resistance -- to make it more difficult for them to be removed. The anti-war group “Catholic Schoolgirls Against The War” has claimed responsibility for the protest. They took part in the Wednesday Loop protest on the fifth anniversary of the start of the war. The Illinois Coalition for Peace and Justice lists them as members and describes the group this way: "Catholic Schoolgirls Against the War is a humorous, political street threatre group composed of college students and young adults. The group was formed in October of 2006 and meets twice per month."

After the brief interruption, the Cardinal took a moment to talk about the "peace" that God gives the faithful. He said he was grateful to those who interrupted his homily so that he could deliver that message.

The six are scheduled in court a week from Monday, March 31.

The group sat through the Mass until Cardinal George reached the homily. A few seconds into the main holiday message, the protestors rose from their seats, turned to address the thousands of parishioners in the auditorium and talked about the continuing death of both Iraqis and Americans in Iraq, according to a release from HammerHard.

Hamerhard Mediaworks is also a ICPJ member, listed this way: "HammerHard Mediaworks is a worker-run non-profit collective of media professionals and activists committed to media advocacy, skills-sharing and movement-building in partnership with grassroots progressive groups."

WBBM NewsRadio 780's Michele Fiore, CBS2 and The Sun-Times News Group wire contributed to this report.

So let's see - Blood on Easter, Six Goofs in Custody, Kevin Clark and ISM involvement, Andy Thayer Local Goofball tied to Cop Lawsuit King Jon Loevy, - you can not make this stuff up!

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