Friday, October 16, 2020

A Real Census Cowboy Doffs His Hat to the 2020 Census and All Who Served - No Animals Were Harmed


With pride and a bit of sadness, I returned my Badge, Shoulder Bag, Non-Response Field Unit Device ( an Apple smartphone dedicated solely to work for the Census) and all of the apparati  necessary to its proper functioning in the field and bid an earnest adieu to my Field Supervis0r, Mr. Bill S_____.

I rode no horse, like the oafish ass hired at $1,000 per day by the idiotic Mayor of Chicago.  I walked the U.S. Census 2020 and was paid the prevailing wage for La Porte County.   I drove a very few times and was fairly compensated. 

Working the 2020 Census was an invigorating, salubrious, entertaining and soul-boosting experience that allowed me to learn my way around Michigan City, meet wonderful people and serve my country in a very small way. 

From  August 8th, until 4PM, Thursday, October 15th, I served as an enumerator here in District 5, Michigan City and LaPorte County. 

On Day One, I took the pledge and accepted my Commission, a shoulder bag, pads, pens, clipboard and the Apple Enumerating device. Over the next seven days, a rigorous training regimen dedicated to the lap-top and the US Census Bureau occupied my days.  Then, I went into the field under the watchful eye of Bill S______ who constantly reminded us of our pledge to keep all information gleaned in the field supremely confidential. 

My Days as a NRFU enumerator began at 4 AM when my device revealed the caseload for the day, generally 30-35 per day beginning at 9 AM and not to exceed eight hours.

Overtime is rarely allowed and I worked only a few hours of overtime during my service.  If one charged overtime, it could be cause for immediate dismissal. If one's hours exceeded 40 hours, one had better have had written orders

My cases were largely within two miles of my home and I walked my circuit. We were expected to take a mandatory  meal break of one half hour every five hours.  I walked on the average of eight to ten miles per day and got to know my part of Michigan City. 

Most of my work took me from Spring Street East out west past the Indiana State Prison on Woodlawn and Chicago and from Coolspring Road on the south to Lake Shore Drive.  

There were a few daunting areas, but largely people were helpful friendly and welcoming. 
 I was threatened a few times by people who who were largely engaged in Crysta lMethamphetamine production and its distribution and in nearby Otis, Indiana a man chambered a shell into his Remington shotgun by way of welcome to the United States Gummint and its  on hand agent, your servant - "Ya, unnerstan THAT doan' ya?"

Quite clearly, Old Son!

Mostly, I enjoyed the company of very nice people, especiall the John Coltrane Society* that meets every day at 10th & Tennessee.   We would jaw and listen to Coltrane, Bill Evans, Cannonball Adderly, Jerry Mulligan, Stan Getz and Miles Davis.    These forty-plus gentlemen steered me clear of the more nefarious doings of the nearby Hillbilly Heroin laboratory situated on the triangle of streets between Chicago, Tennessee and 10th. Streets, of which, I am sure, the LaPorte County Drug Task Force has well under scrutiny. *

I met poor single mothers and well-heeled Urban Pioneers.

The United States Census 2020 was conducted with dignity and grace.   No horses were maimed and the work was done with vigor, rigor and respect. 

I am proud to have served.   

* an informal gathering of worthies, largely middle aged African American patriots. This congress of gentleman was my daily tonic. 

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