Wednesday, September 30, 2020

To Understand the Nature of Rioters and Looters and Social Activism, Read Barnaby Rudge by Charles Dickens


In 1778 the Catholic Relief Act was enacted to help ease restrictions on Britain's Catholics. The Protestant Association, led by Lord George Gordon, opposed this act and demanded its repeal. On June 2, 1780 the Protestant Association marched to the House of Commons and were joined by a riotous mob of 50,000 Dickens described as "sprinkled doubtless here and there with honest zealots, but composed for the most part of the very scum and refuse of London."

An idiot Member of Parliament, Lord George Gordon, was WOKE by his political adviser.  To advance in Parliament, Gordon was goaded into fomenting anti-Catholic hatred among the low-information constituents of Great Britain.  

Charles Dickens wrote a wonderful historical novel, when he was only 29 years old.  Barnaby Rudge, is a murder mystery, love story and comic set-piece stuffed with wonderful characters.  Most memorable of these is Barnaby Rudge a mentally challenged youth who devotes most of his energies and sympathies to a black bird named Grip.

He, like Lord Gordon himself, gets manipulated and motivated by evil men and becomes the standard bearer for the anti-Catholic mob.  Barnaby is in it for the fun. 

Evil people are in it for power and money - then and in 2020. 

Idiot politicians, of both American political parties, get WOKE by academic frauds, K-street spin-doctors, 501(c)3 foundations with boards comprised of nasty people and the news media.   We witness endless rioting, looting, murders and the assassination of Law Enforcement Officers by mobs "composed of the very scum and refuse of" America, to paraphrase Charles Dickens.

The etymology of the word idiot from the Greek idiotes meaning "private citizen," or one without any official authority as an active and engaged citizen.   America's last 'active and engaged citizen' to serve as an elected official was Jim Webb. The DNC made sure that no money went to a genuine patriot and man of ability in order to hand the 2016 nomination to Hillary Clinton and the White House to Donald Trump.

An idiot stands in the shadows and whispers in the ears of idiots elected to public office by idiotic voters who know more about sports betting, or celebrities than they do about Electoral College. 

The result was last night's "debate" in which President Trump ate former VP Joe Biden's lunch.  A whispering idiot, Chris Wallace attempted to control the President's rhetorical seiche that washed over the fillibustering flibbertygibbet from Scranton.  Wallace was a disgrace
Now, all around the nation later-day Gordons are inflaming crowds of thugs who have a Wall of Moms and other useful idiots giving them shelter, when UHaul trailors are emptied of bowling balls, skateboards, frozen Ice Mountain bottles and other weapons that tossed at police officers.  People have died and been seriously injured in Minneapolis, Chicago, Portland, Louisville, New York City and billions of dollars in property damage in order to shout that black lives matter. 

Dickens would be disgusted, not by the rioting looters, but their stooge politicians and  media types referring to them as activists and solid citizens. 

Dickens wrote in Barnaby Rudge, Chapter 49: 
Through this vast throng, sprinkled doubtless here and there with honest zealots, but composed for the most part of the very scum and refuse of London, whose growth was fostered by bad criminal laws, bad prison regulations, and the worst conceivable police, such of the members of both Houses of Parliament as had not taken the precaution to be already at their posts, were compelled to fight and force their way. Their carriages were stopped and broken; the wheels wrenched off; the glasses shivered to atoms; the panels beaten in; drivers, footmen, and masters, pulled from their seats and rolled in the mud. Lords, commoners, and reverend bishops, with little distinction of person or party, were kicked and pinched and hustled; passed from hand to hand through various stages of ill-usage; and sent to their fellow-senators at last with their clothes hanging in ribands about them, their bagwigs torn off, themselves speechless and breathless, and their persons covered with the powder which had been cuffed and beaten out of their hair. One lord was so long in the hands of the populace, that the Peers as a body resolved to sally forth and rescue him, and were in the act of doing so, when he happily appeared among them covered with dirt and bruises, and hardly to be recognised by those who knew him best. The noise and uproar were on the increase every moment. The air was filled with execrations, hoots, and howlings. The mob raged and roared, like a mad monster as it was, unceasingly, and each new outrage served to swell its fury.


This roaring animal of 1780 London was engendered and motivated by pale promoters and self-interested opportunists.  Our mobs are paid for by billionaires and defended by sergeants of the courts with their inner eyes wide WOKE. 

Dickens presents Lord Gordon's spin-doctor, Gashford in the wake of the rioters being suppressed by the Eats London Militia and British Regulars -Promising as these outrages were to Gashford’s view, and much like business as they looked, they extended that night no farther. The soldiers were again called out, again they took half-a-dozen prisoners, and again the crowd dispersed after a short and bloodless scuffle. Hot and drunken though they were, they had not yet broken all bounds and set all law and government at defiance. Something of their habitual deference to the authority erected by society for its own preservation yet remained among them, and had its majesty been vindicated in time, the secretary would have had to digest a bitter disappointment.

By midnight, the streets were clear and quiet, and, save that there stood in two parts of the town a heap of nodding walls and pile of rubbish, where there had been at sunset a rich and handsome building, everything wore its usual aspect. Even the Catholic gentry and tradesmen, of whom there were many resident in different parts of the City and its suburbs, had no fear for their lives or property, and but little indignation for the wrong they had already sustained in the plunder and destruction of their temples of worship. An honest confidence in the government under whose protection they had lived for many years, and a well-founded reliance on the good feeling and right thinking of the great mass of the community, with whom, notwithstanding their religious differences, they were every day in habits of confidential, affectionate, and friendly intercourse, reassured them, even under the excesses that had been committed; and convinced them that they who were Protestants in anything but the name, were no more to be considered as abettors of these disgraceful occurrences, than they themselves were chargeable with the uses of the block, the rack, the gibbet, and the stake in cruel Mary’s reign.

In WOKE America we change the subject and begin tearing down statues and people considered deplorable by the elites. 

In Hanover England, they read the riot act, "dispearse within one hour, or be shot down by the troops."

We will have many more riots and many more people will suffer, 

Read Barnaby Rudge.  It is never taught in our schools anymore. Our rioters never heard of Charles Dickens, let alone the novel of the Riots of 1780. 


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