“ Men in sport coats mulled about and women clutching designer navigated the second floor . . . “ Tom Schuba Chicago Sun Times (print edition) sentence one of paragraph one to Pot Goes Mainstream
" Men clad in sport coats mulled about and women clutching designer purses navigated the second floor of a Loop hotel hosting a major investment conference." Tom Schuba edited after paper had gone to print.
The Chicago Sun Times was once a local newspaper; today it is pamphlet put out by alleged labor lovers and actual Leftists. Lynn Sweet is doing the black bag work for Mrs. Obama and DNC, Neil Steinberg has still not completed reading Dante's Divine Comedy, but mentions that he is reading it, Mary Mitchell continues to draw a salary and a pasty goof named Gene Lyons make the afore mentioned threesome seem to write like Dorothy Parker, Ted Dreiser and Audre Lorde. The Sun Times is a pamphlet and a bad one at that.
One pamphleteer for this organ is the above cited Tom Schuba - any relation to the folks who own that fine and hip saloon on the northwest side? Schuba laced up his spikes for another Sun Times fellation of Governor Pritzker's Weed Empire
Out of the blocks, Schuba sprints into a hurdle - words mean something.
Men is sport coats might very well mull about somewhere and at some time and in some place, but not in this instance.
think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length.
"she began to mull over the various possibilities"
synonyms: ponder, consider, think over/about, reflect on, contemplate, deliberate, turn over in one's mind, chew over, weigh up, consider the pros and cons of, cogitate on, meditate on, muse on, ruminate over/on, brood on, have one's mind on, give some thought to, evaluate, examine, study, review, revolve; More
or to have been warmed, if liquid men, with spices and sugars added.
Lynn Sweetner, mayhaps?
I believe Master Schuba meant top say "Men in sports coats milled about . . . the second floor of a Loop hotel hosting a major investment conference." Millining about suggests an accurate apprehension of what was going down on the 2nd floor lobby.
Thus! mill around. — phrasal verb with mill verb [ T ] uk /mɪl/ us /mɪl/ (UK also mill about) If a group of people mill around, they move around with no particular purpose or in no particular direction, sometimes while waiting for someone: In the square, people were milling around in the sunshine.
Now, as to Master Schuba's missing noun ( purses - designered and clutched) we will leave that to the universally poor editing of the hardest working propaganda organ this side of NEWSPEAK.
That Tom Schuba screwed the pooch at paragraph one is clear to a reader of the print edition --the one that comes out after newsmen scream, 'Stop the Presses!' when a pooch is having been proved screwed. Proper screwed.
That Tom Schuba would countenance the fact that he did, in fact, have his wicked way with this puppy ain't gonna happen.
Pravda never printed a disclaimer and the Chicago Sun Times will consider no such thing.
Animal Farm requires no inquiry, no memory and no conviction.
Mull that one over.
Great blog! I just discovered you while searching for info. on Camille Paglia. So refreshing to read something sane in a mad, mad world.