Friday, March 01, 2019

Cardinal Cupich Enables Illinois Infanticide with His Loud Silence

Cardinal Cupich has an opinion on what Trump eats for breakfast.  His first chat with the supine press in Chicago enabled the surprise Archbishop of Chicago to take a swipe at the dying Cardinal George's continued rooming in the Archdiocesan Mansion on State Parkway.

So far

  • Cardinal Cupich has embraced Pflegerism and marched with Blond Jesus
  • Refused to Venture down Rabbit Holes
  • Chastised Trump
  • Comforted Laquan McDonald's family a year after his death
  • Condemned Global Warming
  • Condemned Gun Violence , but Only With National Reportage
  • Praised Sister Jean
  • Praised Illegal Immigration
  • Condemned opponents of illegal immigration
  • Said no Bad Thing about Any Gender
  • Spoke out of both sides of mouth on Sexual Predator Priests
  • Praised and honored America's # 1 Predator Cardinal Theodore McCarrick ( Cupich's Chinaman)
  • Falsely Accused a devout pastor of being in three homosexual relationships, removed the traditional pastor from his faculties as a priest, ordered a tribunal to investigate and refused to apologize when the tribunal acquit ed the priest
What Blase Cardinal has never done is condemned Illinois's March to Infanticide, much less Illinois's twin US Senators for pushing Infanticide on the national level.  Durbin created Duckworth from one his many fibs . . .not ribs. Together they stand for Infanticide and no Illinois Cardinal has objected.  That is you, Blase the Closer.  You does your silence in this horror betoken your episcopal consent?
Will he speak out?  

Cupich will not.  Blase Cupich is a political reptile of a prelate. He thinks more of what Chuck Goudie and Carol Marin say about him than what the 2.3 million Chicago Catholics wait from a Catholic prelate. 

Cardinal Blase meets the press.   The press don't care about eternal truths, or doctrines.  The press wants compelling narratives that fit nicely with funding and sales. Fred Eychaner, the Gay Marriage architect and bankroller, controls a huge slice of the media. The Media plays nice with Fred and the current Archbishop of Chicago plays nice with both. 

Will Cardinal Cupich chastise so-called Catholics who back Illinois House Bills that run counter to Catholic teaching? Especiall, the ones promoting Infanticide

Will Cardinal Cupich behave like a priest and not a politician?


The Innocent set for slaughter and Chicago Catholics are on their own.

Blase Cardinal Cupich has the Chicago Media. 

We have the sainted Francis Cardinal George at home with Christ - pray to both for help. 


  1. I don't picture Cupich ever making a statement on the abortion issues, including the Born Alive Act. He needs to stop worrying over being on the good side of politicians and be a church leader.

  2. Why the venom toward the church? It seems to be a common theme with you lately.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. You need reading lessons, Mr. Kamin; if that is not the case, say what is on your mind. I never attack my Church, nor its teachings. My venom is directed at the reptiles doing it harm - some of those reptiles wear miters.

  5. Keep speaking truth to power, Pat!
