Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thank You and Thank God! Thanksgiving 2018

I wake up thankful everyday for the privilege of seeing, breathing, hearing tasting and touching for another day.

That first glass of ice cold water cascading its refreshing way through my vigorously brushed teeth and gums, down the gullet and sparking awake all of my biological electrical works is a reminder to me that God really knows what he is doing. The guy is a craftsman!

I pray on my knees each morning and try to meditate on my blessings and my sins - which are legion.  Then, I shower up, shave and dress for the day - usually a sport coat and tie, or suit for my day at the old bone orchard.

I take  Holy Communion at St. John Fisher with the usual baker's dozen of regulars, Lizzie, Joanna, Bill, Barbara, Carol, Ray, the two Mikes ( Tall and not so tall) , the other Bill, Mary Beth, Tall Mike's wife Patricia, Theresa, and Mr. Carroll.  

Aside from the regulars there is the constant - Mrs. Terry F, the most devout and generous woman in God's house.

I am thankful for this daily congress of Memorare saying saints.

Christ is for breakfast and sustains me and battles with my natural and unnatural demons all day long.

I am thankful for my large and extended family, especially my three healthy and productive children, my son-in-law and my beautiful granddaughter.

Then I am thankful for the following

  • People who never say "Veggies" despite the thoroughly exhausting necessity of saying tables
  • Men from countries like Ireland, Poland, Mexico, Greece, Switzerland, France, Belgium and Ghana who never, ever wear Greek Fisherman Captain's hats, berets, or Alpine hats.
  • Women of all races, ages, sizes and temperments who still manage to like men
  • Food, with the notable and discerning exceptions of beets, cauliflower and Zagnuts
  • Pets - normal pets like dogs and cats and the odd rabbit
  • People who maintain beautiful lawns and gardens, unlike me
  • Men who keep up with household tasks, chores, updates and projects, unlike me
  • First Responders
  • People of all political persuasions who know that it is all bullshit and politicians will screw you like a 40 Watt at every turn
  • People who like to cook for others, like me
  • Good writers
  • Jazz - America's greatest art form
  • People who can play the bagpipes and don't
  • Four Seasons - the year and not the hotel
  • Clancy's Pizza Pub's Pot Roast Eggrolls
  • Halloween
  • Real poetry - Milton, Yeats, Chaucer, Johnson, Pope and Horace
  • Real prose - Conrad, James Salter, Faulkner, Ralph Ellison
  • The day after Christmas
  • People who do not give me Christmas, Birthday, or whatever Hallmark scam holiday's requisite gifting day
  • People who ignore snobbery
  • Overtime pay
  • WDCB - 90-5 FM Chicago's Home for Jazz
  • A woman with the tolerance to be see in public with me these past ten years - go figure.
  • Turkey, corn bread dressing, cranberry sauce jelly, turnips and sweet potatoes.
  • Knights of Columbus Miserecodia Candy Sellers
  • Brother Rice Football 2018
  • Cable without news - Western Channel, or old movies
  • Joseph Epstein's prose
  • John Kass's courage
  • Shelby Foote's multi-volume Civil War narrative
  • My students ( 1975-2018)
  • Day's when I do not disappoint someone
Happy Thanks Giving Day!    Try that every day.

1 comment:

  1. Blessed Advent, Pat. Your scribblings make me smile and give me hope.
    Dominus Vobiscum,
    Mike in ATL
