Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain - RIP to a VIP

This photo says it all about the late Senator John McCain, but nothing about the young Naval Aviator who endured the Hanoi Hilton. 

John McCain is an American hero, who laid  his youth, blood and soul on the altar of sacrifice. Nothing can change, or even diminish that fact.

I thought John McCain was on the level, but that was back in 2007-2008, when he seemed to earnestly want to pull America out of the cactus of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as renew the American Spirit.   I was wrong.

John McCain wanted to be President, but he wanted to be fawned over by the corrupt American news media more. 

John McCain would rather be the THE MAVERICK, than President. 

He got that.  

John McCain was tortured horribly by the Communists.

America has been gulled by the Communists on Senator John McCain's watch. 

I lost any illusion about John McCain the elected official in September 2008, when the tanked economy and the Wall Street crisis compelled the laughably unprepared candidate to hand the election over to equally incurious Barack Obama. 

For eight years, McCain twisted like a pretzel for media attention and was rewarded with the election Donald Trump.

I honor Naval Aviator John McCain.

I am saddened by the fatuous, but wealthy late senior Senator from Arizona.

Both personalities will meet God.  

I wonder which one will pass muster. 


  1. Good one Pat. He also invented Sarah Palin and then turned on her.

  2. Any friend of Shumer's, is not a friend of mine. Hate that guy and everything he says ..
