Friday, May 04, 2018

Will the Skilled Trades Once Again Go 'All-In" for Rahm Emanuel ?

How 'Proudly Union' are the skilled trades leaders, the rank and file and their families about the re-election of Mayor Rahm Emanuel 2019?

I will be bet one out of the above three are wildly happy to re-endorse the Nine Digit Midget for Mayor.  The other two demographics might be problematic and look to Paul Vallas, Garry McCarthy, Willie Wilson, Bridget Gainer, or Ja'Mal Green.

Rahm's O'Hare Expansion means millions of dollars to electricians, operating enginers ( indoors and out), pipe-fitters, plumbers, carpenters, tile setters and laborers.  Much prevailing wages are on the table.

In any case, Rahm seems poised to be a Turd-Term Mayor and once again wear the Corona Triumphalis. 

The mad Roman emperor Caligula declared war on Poseidon, the God of water, and marched his legions to the sea and told his troops to attack the waves.  Rahm did the very same thing. 

The Chicagoland Pipe Trades were out early and often for Rahm Emanuel in his last go-around.  Your Water Bill reflects, the debt paid promptly by Rahm upon his re-election. 

The Public Sector Unions ( SEIU 'nuff said) were with Chuy Garcia.  They will grudgingly back Rahm this time. 

The Pipe Trades were paid handsomely upon Rahm's re-election, Chicago tax-payers not so much.

Rahm, like JB Pritzker, will count on voter apathy and the lock-step support of the Black Ministers and Cardinal Cupich.

But Skilled and Industrial Labor is the wild card for Rahm Emanuel's continued oligarchy.

Here are some nuggets of Skilled Labor's Fealty to Rahm Emanuel in 2015.

  • Rahm Emanuel is a good friend of organized labor and Chicago’s working families. He’s been behind us the wholeway. “Now it’s time to get behind him,”said Business Manager James Coyne. Join a political rally to reelect Rahm Emanuel at the Feb. 10 union meeting.Local 130, UA will also support his campaign on three Political Action Saturdays on February 7, 14 & 21.Pick up your Plumbers for RahmEmanuel sign at the February 10 rally and proudly display it on yourfront lawn
  • The mayor received $53,900 from the Illinois Pipe Trades political action committee
  • Rahm Backed by Labor: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (representing two locals) Laborers District Council (represents eight locals) International Union of Operating Engineers (represents two locals) Ironworkers District Council (representing three locals)• Painters District Council 14 (representing 13 locals) 
  • Why is Rahm Emanuel the best choice for our union?
  • BROUGHT THE LIVING WAGE TO CHICAGO’S AIRPORTS, and made sure our 1750 members at O’Hare and Midway will be covered.
  • BRINGING MORE HOSPITALITY BUSINESS: McCormick Place is now the #1 convention center in the country! That means more jobs for our members.DSC_0076
  • Under Rahm, City Council passed an Airport Labor Peace Law that we supported, covering thousands of airport jobs.
  • Mayor Emanuel has supported our union organizing. We have more union agreements since he became Mayor – the Marriott Marquis is just one example.
  • Money for city projects – TIF – has been allocated for future projects like the arena at McCormick Place. TIF funds helped build Blackstone and Allegro Hotels.
  • On April 7th, let’s keep winning.  
Image result for plumbers for rahm
Unless someone, not currently in the race for mayor, announces a genuine challenge that will excite voters to oust Chicago's Caligula, Rahm will wear the Corona Triumphalis, yet again. 

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