Sunday, February 04, 2018

Jeanne Ives Has the Big Money Running Scared . . . and Vicious

Jeanne Ives has turned this Illinois primary season into a Ground Hog Day - everyday.

Everyday this week, the Big Money of Illinois (non of it in the possession of the middle class, or working class) has come out of the ground snarling and snapping!

  • Personal Pac's Terry Cosgrove who owned Governor Pat Quinn, the LGBTQ Libertor whose pen flourishes created genderless toilets and loving and caring lawsuits, who purchased*a judge in 2012, smeared Aurelia Pucinski in the process flooding the campaign for Illinois Supreme Court Justice with Fred Eychner's money:Terry Cosgrove, president and CEO of Personal PAC, an abortion rights political advocacy group, said Ives was appealing to “the craziest of the crazy” and displaying the “lowest form of politics.” -“She wants to make all abortions and the most commonly used from of birth control illegal in Illinois,” said Cosgrove, whose group has endorsed Pritzker in the Democratic primary. “This is an extreme right-wing position that totally ignores the reality of most people's lives.”
Remember this?

Just for fun count the reporters in the above  video now serving politicians.
  • Terry Cosgrove's Usual Angry Screamers: Brian C. Johnson, the CEO of Equality Illinois, the state's LGBTQ civil rights organization, said the group had hoped for “a higher level of discourse” from someone running for governor. "At a time when our leaders should be bringing Illinoisans together, Jeanne Ives is launching a campaign of division and rancor. We need a governor who will stand up for all Illinoisans, not someone who will target transgender Illinoisans for her personal political benefit,” Johnson said in a statement.

  • Illinois GOP Toe Assasins: Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released the following statement on State Representative Jeanne Ives’ recently released campaign advertisement:“There is no place in the Illinois Republican Party for rhetoric that attacks our fellow Illinoisans based on their race, gender or humanity. Representative Ives’ campaign ad does not reflect who we are as the Party of Lincoln and as proud residents of our great and diverse state. She should pull down the ad and immediately apologize to the Illinoisans who were negatively portrayed in a cowardly attempt to stoke political division.”

Power loves anonymity . . .well, sort of. Coalitions need money. Power uses money. Coalition Power fuses LGBTQ, Green Everything ( hence LGBTQ pol Deb Shore on Water Reclamation), Public Education, Election Reform, ACLU and SEIU. Remember the Democratic Party? Used to be something. Got its money from trades unions, cigar chomping saloon keepers and low-life rascals like Joe Kennedy. Thank, John Dewey; it's Progressive now.

Speaking of Old Joe Kennedy, his grandson Chris Kennedy took immediate defence of the plutocratic PACS and personalities who have strangled Illinois, “We already have enough hate and bigotry in the White House. We don’t need a governor who stands silent against Donald Trump, and we certainly don’t need a governor who echoes Donald Trump,” Kennedy said.

Already, Jeanne Ives is portrayed in a Orange Wig.  Chris Kennedy should have learned something from his recent adventures in the Progressive sandbox - there is no room for him in there with J.B. Pritzker.

Jeanne Ives is no bigot, no homophobe, no xenophobic shrill. On the contrary.

The haters are all on the side of the people who make great wealth from dividingf people and the political stooges they purchase. 

Progressive Illinois politics ( GOP & Democrat) is powered by abortion and sexual preferences of any and all manner as a Civil Right , with the odd nod to freeing all of the prisoners, keeping black women on the welfare rolls and hordes of unskilled workers on the government's dime and suing anyone.
    If that is the 'right side of history'  we are in the ditch created by this drive to the left. 

    Jeanne Ives is winning this fight.

    *Candidate Mary Jane Theis — an incumbent, appointed Supreme Court justice — has attracted the most money, $1,141,385.36, and endorsements from the Democratic Party and Rahm Emanuel. But, until a recent TV ad blitz, she’s been a virtual unknown.
    Opponent Aurelia Pucinski, an appellate court justice, has the least — $33,529.68, but huge name recognition.  Capital Fax Blog feed of Carol Marin

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