Monday, January 01, 2018

2018 - Already? Always on the Eights?

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2018, already???????

Silly question.

Time does not fly; it bolts by.

  •  In, 1958 I was in 1st Grade at Little Flower Grammar school
  • In 1968, I was a junior in high school, dropped out of baby-priest school ( St. Augustine Minor Seminary), working at Chicken Unlimited and dating gorgeous young ladies
  • In 1978, I was in my third year of teaching at Bishop McNamara and dating the woman who would actually marry me and carry all three of our children - Mary Elizabeth Cleary
  • In 1988, married for four years with a three year old, I resigned from Bishop Mac and took a job at La Lumiere School in LaPorte, Indiana
  • In 1998. I lost my lovely pal, partner and guiding light to a lousy brain tumor
  • In 2008, I was working at Leo High School as Director of Development and struggling with my demons thanks to a loving family
  • In 2018, I am back in the classroom at Brother Rice and still chasing away the demons - with three grown and successful children, a gorgeous granddaughter and a patient, lovely woman
That's a lot of blood under the bridge.

2018!  Let's see what you got, Big Boy!
  • I need to pray all day. 
  • Watch my temper.  
  • Put disappointments in proper perspective.  
  • Remember it is not all about me 
  • Try and help others.  
  • Avoid "Irish Alzheimer's”  the disease where an individual forgets everything except the grudges. 
  • Get my hair cut
  • Vote in the GOP Primary on March 20, 2018 and louse up Bruce Rauner's comfortable life
  • Watch more high school sports
  • Save money
  • Eat more greens
  • Listen to more great music
The eights were always pretty heavy.

Heavy lifting in life, requires bending the knees.

Let's see how it goes.  

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