Thursday, May 18, 2017

Trump Hits the Canvas: A Boxer in a Mixed Martial Arts Cage

The Trump is down!  He's dazed.   He's confused.  The Trump's bleeding,  bleeding like a Russian Princess!  The refs are showing the four count and he's staring, longingly, for Ann Coulter and for her to give him one shred of 'Get up, Donny and Knock 'em into the cheap seats,' but this willowy blond is one cold cucumber.  This dish is colder than a mother-in-law's kiss, colder than Samantha's knockers on a brass broomstick, Fans!  He's on his own and the refs are counting faster than a speeding ticket in Martha's Vineyard. It don't look good. 

The problem is that the President has been taking shots to the noggin every waking moment since 11/09/2016 and without putting his guard up at all. In boxing one might call the President an ivory head.  Most call him a can of tomatoes.

The 45th President of the United States was elected primarily on his promise to drain the Washington D.C. swamp and swamp ain't liking it.  Swamp critters on both sides of the aisle want him gone.  Elected officials, lobbyists, journalists, academics who suckle greedily off of Lady Liberty's rack of plenty, corporatist players, Marxist oligarchs and NSA spooks with limitless loyalty to the Obama regime are Organized for Action!

The Russia Bullshit is just that.  And Americans are ravenous for bullshit - hence the powerful appeal of Barack Obama.

Donald Trump has pleased me as a voter.  He has displeased me wildly as a spectator.  He's a boxer suckered into a Tag-Team Mixed Martial Arts Caged Death Match - he's a boxer fighting a queue of MMA ninjas; as soon as he fends off one, the opposition and the allies tag off to pummel the guy.

His corner men?  Who the hell knows.  Trainer Reince Priebus was more Mitt than Romney and a doughy sap easily led into a very public pantsing on CNN, FOX, or MSNBC.  Cornerman Jared Kushner?  Who takes advice from a guy named Jared?  Christ Almighty.  Cut man, Steve Bannon is hated by all of the creeps on this planet and he seems to be getting no ear from the guy he is patching up.   Bannon seems like a guy I would want in my corner.  When all of creeps hate you, you must be doing something right.

I want to see Trump succeed, but I will be satisfied if he can go the distance and keep the DNC from political power.

Trump is no sweetheart and he is no Brian Sutherland either.

He has the skills and know-how, but he is alone in a tanked fight.  Some might call what we are witnessing a bloodless coup ( unless you count Seth Rich - I do).  As far back as February, this seemed more than evident:

I can’t believe I’m writing this after the administration has been in office for 26 days, but here goes. The idea that Donald Trump is now inexorably on a path to impeachment has taken almost gleeful hold in the wake of the Michael Flynn resignation among liberal elites and anti-Trumpers generally—and everybody better stop and take a deep breath and consider what might arise from this. This isn’t fire we’re playing with, it’s a nuclear war.
That Trump might somehow be deus-ex-machina-ed out of public life has been a consistent feature of the past 20 months. He won’t run gave way to He’s only in it for the publicity to He only wants to show Obama he’s not to be trifled with but he doesn’t want to be president so he’ll drop out to We’ll deny him a first-ballot victory at the convention and then the party pooh-bahs can take over and find a new candidate to His poll numbers are so bad he’ll quit and let Mike Pence run against Hillary to The Access Hollywood tape will finally do him in…and then he won.                                             Now that he’s president, the question I’m asked constantly is “will he serve out his first term.” The wish is father to the hope here; only the vilest and most monstrous of crimes has led to a negative answer to that question (save in the case of the first President Harrison, who caught a cold from not wearing a coat on Inauguration Day in 1841 and died a month later). No one has ever willingly or voluntarily given up the presidency. . . . 
Already pro-Trump voices on the right are calling the leaks that led to Michael Flynn’s firing evidence of an attempted coup d’etat. The fevered use of such terms is part and parcel of the way in which social media amplifies the melodrama of daily news stories.
I am myself unnerved by the evidence of high-level lawlessness in the Flynn matter, but a “coup d’etat” refers specifically to a military ouster of a leader, not a leak-driven campaign using the press to nail someone. This is sure to persist, though, if the Flynn-Russia matter accelerates—and if the reluctant House and Senate do begin investigating the matter in earnest. If the language surrounding the investigation remains florid and purple, if Democrats try to please their Trump-hating constituents by screaming impeachment and liberal media tries to garner audience by jumping openly and vociferously on the bandwagon, the Trumpians will respond in kind by stirring the pot through their media and their argumentation. Commentary
Coup? Maybe.  Slaughter the bum?  To be sure.

With Clapper, Comey, Rice, Ryan, McConnell, McCain, Graham, Schummer, and Obama sub rosa and with billions of dollars hitting your kidneys, liver, heart, ears, mouth and nose every waking moment - a fight in a phone booth with Conor McGregor might be a fine and relaxing tonic.

Donny, Take a swig and spit!

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