Monday, February 06, 2017

LI Bowl Super: Commentary Not So

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Houston (CNN)For the first time, a Super Bowl needed overtime, and for the fifth time, the New England Patriots are Super Bowl champions.
This time, it took the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history to do it, rallying from a 25-point deficit and defeating the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 at NRG Stadium in Houston in Super Bowl LI. CNN

Fifty-One is done and it was as toxic as 2016.  Good Lord. Net-roots nonsense ozzed into sports journalism over the past decade and sucks all of the oxygen out of the planet.

Last year, it was deflate-gate.

This year Fifty-one became LI(e) for half of the nation addicted to ESPN SJWS in Anchor Jackets and group thought. They hate Tom Brady.  He now has participated in Seven (7) Superbowls and possesses Five (5) Championship Rings, at the once tender age of 39. Gotta hate that.

Football has always been a holiday game.  But, Super Bowl created a new national holiday that is entirely consumer driven, secular and until lately non-political.

NFL Football is a game played by mesomophs and Caucasian, African American and Pacific islander endomorphs wearing buzz-cuts, dred-locks, man buns and retro-mullets.

With few exceptions, football players are as beautiful, delicate and momentary as snow flakes.  They vanish from our attentions and imaginations instantly and go on to ordinary lives and too many to painful, sad and lonely deaths.

Football is a male game.  At its best, high school football is and should be a game a beauty and not a Super Bowl Lite.   Prayers to Our Lady of Victory!

Pro Football is fun to watch, but painful to listen to - thanks to the pan-pest preaching of Bob Costa Living analysts and Social Justice Warriors.

We live in nation that that is slowly recovering from eight years of willful blindness.  Half the country went blind looking for something, anything, of authentic greatness in its Chief Executive and it painfully settled for gold-leaf mediocrity.

Half of the nation, kept its mouth shut out of neighborly compassion and patient understanding, but voted to recover some our sight.

People are hurting, bubbled-up, and in safe spaces where they can loudly impune and physically moon a building sporting the Forty Fifth President's Name. That'll show that inanimate object.

The Super Bowl LI  became the last gasp, it seemed to me, of the resistance.  Tom Brady who was smeared by the national sports press for "deflategate" was now vilified as a Trump backer and so were his coach and the Patriots owner.

I watched the game with sound off and played Gustav Holtz' The Planets for sound.

I spoke with many people including family members, with whom I remain on outs for not going light-limbed over Obama,Lo these many years, and they were delighted by the first half.   I said, we shall see.

The New England Patriots, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady and owner Robert Craft were relentless.

No LI. Just football.

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