Friday, September 23, 2016

Alderman Anti-Politics, DNAinfo's Ted Cox and Grassroots Collaborative Cover Rahm's Retreat

Image result for Rahm Emanuel cringes

  ' . . .   impoverished black families don’t want white people and bourgeois African-Americans lecturing them about fatherhood." Mary Mitchell Chicago Sun Times

Image result for mary mitchell sun timesMmmm! Mmm!~ Mmmm!  Chicago Sun Times Mary Mitchell is angry . . .24/7.

Rahm Emanuel was bullied away from holding a mirror up to the root problems determining Chicago's ever-soaring Black on Black killings ,  You know all that racist myth spouting about Fatherless Families.

Rahm was bullied by Mary Mitchell, the wired-in community clergy and of course Chicago's Regular Democratic Activists.

Read what Rahm hath wrought - post skulk of course.

So, Rahm invited only nice and compliant, but really, really, really concerned Goo-goos and Alder-critters, to his latest PPPP Preacherized Pistol Philippic* at Malcolm X college on the West Side.  

DNA info Chicago's Ted Cox is always nice and compliant. He knew that Rahm would not criticize the African American Community, Family, or  Individuals - No Way and No How.  Therefore, Ted Cox appeared to be fully fully-loaded to have other nice, compliant and really, really concerned person to off Progressive narratives on Rahm's crawfish far from the core issues.

Ted had Alderman Ameya Pawar of the 47th Ward.  Ald. Pawar is "anti-politics Alderman". In Chicagese, an ineffective gasbag loved by the press and Channel 11.Ameya Pawar 2014

Ald. Ameya Pawar (47th) challenged the factual basis for the "myth" of the fatherless African-American family."I don't know that we'd go to . . .

Now this is Beautiful!

. . . Appalachia and talk about absent parents," Pawar said. "If we're going to be serious about talking about what's going on with families in poor communities, the mass incarceration has to be at the top of the list, and a failed war on drugs."

Forgive Ameya, Chicago; he is an Alderman and prone to saying really dumb things and added to the fact that he is the Anti-politics Alderman.  Well . . . knowing that Ted Cox trotted out an Activist from Grassroots Collaborative ( love that Lefty Lingo)
 Amisha Patel of the Grassroots Collaborative says the mayor is better off sticking to economic policy.
"I think the mayor should focus on economic policy," said Amisha Patel, executive director of the Grassroots Collaborative. "Blaming fathers and blaming families for crime is really disingenous. (sic)"
Hey, Alderman Appalachia is no Englewood.

IN Appalachia, the majority of families living in poverty are headed by married couples.
Poverty rates in Appalachia's rural counties far exceed the poverty rates in metro areas.
In part, these patterns reflect the lower levels of racial and ethnic diversity in the region, but they also reflect the low wages and lack of jobs in remote, rural areas.
Gee, the same . . .but really different!  And this is from social science, Progressives!

Who is being disingenuous?  You, Miss Grassroots Collaborative, Alderman Anti-Politics and Ted Cox. Yeah Ted, Alderman Anti-politics challenged the hell out of  the factual basis for the "myth" of the fatherless African-American family.  "We have a lot of corporate philanthropy and corporate activism that we need to tap into," he said.

Yet Pawar warned that "philanthropy lets rich people choose what's worthy and what's not," and instead urged the mayor to act as a "counterbalance" to Gov. Bruce Rauner, "a guy who is cutting programs [and] basically destroying what little safety net there is in Illinois."

Pawar went on to say that "a counterbalance to that is a strong mayor who's going to say this is wrong," adding, "We have a moral imperative to tax appropriately and serve everyone."

The nice and compliant Ted Cox concludes not with Retreating Rahm but Alderman Anti-politics on the grift for himself and Grassroots CollaborativeImage result for angry mary mitchell

"We have a lot of corporate philanthropy and corporate activism that we need to tap into," he said.
Yet Pawar warned that "philanthropy lets rich people choose what's worthy and what's not," and instead urged the mayor to act as a "counterbalance" to Gov. Bruce Rauner, "a guy who is cutting programs [and] basically destroying what little safety net there is in Illinois."
Pawar went on to say that "a counterbalance to that is a strong mayor who's going to say this is wrong," adding, "We have a moral imperative to tax appropriately and serve everyone."
And that will end Gun Violence!  

There is no such thing as Gun Violence.  There is violence caused by people - demographics - you know, Voters. 

Alderman Anti-politics, Chicago!  He'll be back!  

Rahm stays fetal - It's all good!

*policing, prevention, penalties and parenting - well maybe not parenting.

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