Thursday, June 30, 2016

Chicago the Disneyland of the Midwest - Where Dreams Come True, But not for You!

If Mellody Hobson Lucas wanted to ride a CTA bus bike rack, well she could, by God ride a CTA bus Rack. Her boss John Rogers*, formerly Mr. Desiree Rogers **and CEO of the incubator that created Barack Obama and Arne Duncan - Ariel Capital Management, knows how heart-breaking shattered dreams can be, when gangbangers of Friends of the Parks shattered the dreams of a aging bearded gnome with billions of spending loots and his White House wired wife to build a temple to themselves on Chicago's lakefront

John W. Rogers Jr., chairman and CEO of Ariel Investments, where Hobson is president, said this week that Hobson is "just heartbroken by this — she loves the city so much."

Some Dream of having a Temple Museum of Narrative Arts and Snappy Yarns and some just want to be a bicycle,

Chicago is owned not only by America's Dream Cult: Disney, but also the Cycle Fascists who have closed traffic lanes used on city streets from the time that teamsters drove wagons hitched to oat blowers, neighbors.

Friends of the Parks must have gotten to the CTA bus driver.

Rogers served for six years under Mayor Richard M. Daley as the board president of the Chicago Park District, where he enjoyed what he said was a good relationship with Friends of the Parks. He declared himself mystified as to why it fought so hard to block Lucas from building on the lakefront.

**DesirĂ©e Glapion Rogers (born June 16, 1959, in New Orleans, Louisiana) is an American business executive who is the Chief Executive Officer of Johnson Publishing Company. In November 2008 she was selected by Barack Obama's office as the White House Social Secretary for the incoming administration, the first person of African-American descent to serve in this function. On February 26, 2010, the Chicago Sun-Times′ Lynn Sweet reported that she planned to step down. Rogers was replaced by Julianna Smoot, former chief of staff to the U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk. Smoot was the Obama presidential campaign chief fund-raiser. On August 10, 2010, Rogers was named CEO of Johnson Publishing Company.

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