Saturday, November 07, 2015

Leo Veterans Observances 2015 Photos

Here are some pictures that I took of yesterday's Leo High School Veterans Observances -

 Vietnam Veterans of the Class of 1965 Rich Doyle and Tom Connors chat with Leo Hall of Fame Inductees of 2015 - The Marines of Chicago's Own 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines.
 Decorated combat veterans of Tinley Park VFW Post
 Mr. Harold Green keeps Leo High School a place to be proud of and is himself a Vietnam Vet.
Don Hogan who fired the big guns of the Battleship New Jersey in WWII is welcomed back to Leo High School by the Class of 2015.

The courtyard was thick with heroes.

Jim Wilkins '44 and his beautiful family were treated with great respect and dignity by ABC 7's Ravi Baichwal.  

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