Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chicago Police Digest 1959 and Obama's New BFF Fidel Castro

This is a great historical document. The number of Leo Catholic High School alumni "on the Job" in 1959 is astounding. Future Superintendent James Conlisk was head of traffic. Latin, Greek and Gaelic scholar Lt. Maurice Higgins ( father of Pulitzer Prize Winning Cartoonist Jack Higgins) was head of Robbery Division. Sox Owner Bill Veeck is show with what just might be Bill Kay's son Billy.

One snippet in the Chicago Police Digest for 1959 concerned the visit of Fidel Castro's son Junior to the old CPD Headquarters at 11th & State. 
"Castro's Son Visits Police Building
Fidel Castro, Jr., 10, son of the fiery
Cuban leader, was a recent visitor to
the Police Building while in Chicagofor the Pan-American Games. Accompanyinghim were Cuban Army Capt.Angel Saauedra and Fidel Jr.'s militaryacademy buddy, Cadet Nelson Asquru.Mark Thanasouras of the HomicideDetail and Crime Laboratory TechnicianJoseph De Lopez served as guidesand interpreters for the young Cubanand his party during their visit. "  - from Chicago PoliceDigest1959 (7) 

This was at a time, before the election of JFK, when Casto was considered to be as harmless as Obamcare and redefining traditional marriage.  
BTW - The Cuban Army officer escorting Fidel Jr. was the same guy who passed on classified documents to Congressman Adam Clayton Powell (NY)* who managed to get the State Department to stop arming Batista and clearing the way for Castro.…/Cuban-says-spy-helped-C…/8125291104464/

Some may recall that El Jefe brought a delegation of bearded Army fatigue clad guerrilla fighters to the United Nations, after Batista was overthrown and Fredo betrayed Michael in Godfather II.  In 1960,the Cuban delegation stayed in Harlem, the congressional district of Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, instead of among the tony 1%ers on Manhattan's east side. The Red world travellers joined Castro in Harlem and the Third World was born.  Soon Cuba would be exporting its Red Revolution to Africa, Central and South America, as well as the island nations of the Caribbean and inviting Bill Ayers, Obama's ghost-writer some say, to cut sugar cane as an apprentice University of Illinois pensioner.

Castro with Dr. Grayson Kirk - President of Columbia University -somethings never change.

Castro has not changed.  He and his brother are ruthless, blood thirsty thugs.  President Obama is making nice with Castro and Iran.  For people who read, that is bothersome.

History - the stuff we choose to ignore. . . . with help from academics, Reds and Howard Zinn.

* Do note that House of Representatives site biography for Adam Clayton Powell is totally and completly scrubbed of any reference to Cuba, Castro or Clayton Powell's part in helping Castro transfer Buban tyranny from Batista to himself. Shucks was just an 'An unapologetic activist.' Like President Obama.

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