Monday, April 06, 2015

Ogden and Fry, Chicago Newspapers and Rahm Aside: Your Vote Counts

CHICAGO — New poll data from Ogden and Fry indicates the gap between Mayor Rahm Emanuel and challenger Jesus "Chuy" Garcia is widening, with Emanuel taking the lead.
The one-question survey was conducted between April 3 and 4 and received more than 1,700 responses. On April 4, respondents were asked to choose one of the two candidates, with the option to choose "undecided." In that vote, Emanuel's 499 votes (51.3 percent) topped Garcia's 321 (33 percent), and 152 voters (15.6 percent) were left undecided.

According to the latest poll conducted by the wizards of Ogden & Fry, - RAHM CAN"T LOSE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HEAR ME, HELOTS?????????  RAHM CAN'T LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SO OVER!

This little political scientific certainty, aside,  Your Vote Counts. Polls are conducted, not to measure accurately, but to conclude. They are straight from the heart of John Dewey who told simple Americans that inquiry is truth and that outcomes are all that matters.

Voting is the only poll that matters.

Voting is the only means a citizen can do to give voice to his/her condition.

If you believe that Rahm Emanuel is the key to a fair shake, vote for Rahm

If you believe that Jesus "Chuy" Garcia can send the oligarchs of Chicago, Cook County and Illinois running for a new means of living off of the State, vote Chuy.

You will not get saved, but we might get redeemed.

I voted for Chuy.

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