Tuesday, March 03, 2015

The Guardian - CPD Operating Culinary Arts School at Homan Square

                    Something smells at Chicago's Homan Square CPG Blacksite . . .smells heavenly!

More than 100 activists and community leaders rallied in Chicago on Saturday to call for official investigations into and even a shutdown of Homan Square, the police facility at the centre of allegations over unconstitutional abuse and a growing protest movement known as #Gitmo2Chicago.

Chicago - Where are the Disappeared?  No one knows. Some in Chicago's media and legal communities attempted to cast doubt on the Guardian yarn crafted by that old myth maker G. Flint Taylor and the three home brewing NATO Sandinistas.

CPD, the Guardian has learned from someone, or something,  is operating  a black site at Homan Square - no knows about it, or the goings on behind its walls.

It is very clear, to those who would believe the Guardian,  that something smells at Homan Square . . .Something smells delicious!

Yes, CPD is taking a very tasty page from its 1st Responder Brethern and Sistern of the Chicago Fire Department. Cops, who are more generally given to shooting unarmed black toddlers and up,  are also preparing meals of the highest quality and character.
Image result for chicago cop cooking mealImage result for chicago cop chef
The Guardian cornered a former TAC Unit officer now the head of Chicago BLUE Condon Bleu, PO Reece "Shrek" Prendergast and posed these questions

Guard: What is your philosophy on food and dining?
RP: Keep it simple and remember the classics and classic techniques, and have restraint; victims like a nice snack after a sound tune-up and wood shampoo, so we try and make it something special.  I think it's important for chefs and police officers  to have restraint, to be able to take three ingredients and make them great and let the guests have what they want, within the guidelines for use of force and within the budget and manpower restraints, especially in this day and age. Offer great food and great service at a reasonable price of few slaps with an old Chicago phonebook and in a locked room with great ambiance.

Guard: What advice would you give to young chefs and POs just getting started?
RP: Make sure they want to do this; get a job at a restaurant first and get some practice treating the dishwashers and busboys to few good cracks in the coconut.

Guard: How are you involved in your local culinary community  policing ?
RP: I do a lot of charity and non-profit events and I used to do the CAPS Programs. I sit on the FOP’s advisory board of Common Threads, which teaches young, inner-city, underprivileged police recruits about food and education; we teach them how to cook. That’s one thing that I’m heavily involved in. I’m also involved in kind of a project that’s just starting to get legs now, the Pilot Light project - we introduce some of handcuffed guests to a "whole range' of gas flamed utilities. "   
Guard:: How did the Pilot Light Project come about?
RP: I started it with four other chefs, based on the First Lady’s Let’s Move campaign and notes left in Area 2 by Commander Burge in the 1980's. We go into a school and we cook for them in the cafeteria one day. What we’re trying to do is help change the curriculum so they’ll learn more about food and how to eat properly; we’re working with teachers and principals to help sculpt and change the curriculum, to get food into the lesson plan of the day. We want to integrate culinary arts in the classroom. Then we slap the shit out of the little @#$%ers.  Food and Fun.

        Guard: What did you prepare over the last few days?
         RP: Pretty standard cop fare -  lats Premiers of Grilled calamari, confit fennel and tomato, escabeche
                Langoustine ravioli and seared scallop, coconut curry sauce Three preparations of smoked                           salmon, crispy rice, caramelized shallot purée Oysters on the half-shell, daily selection served with                  lemon and mignonette Pâtés maison ~ assorted house-prepared pâtés served with cornichons                        and toasted brioche.Roasted duck breast and confit duck leg, Savoy cabbage, green peppercorn                  sauce, Braised Wagyu beef short rib, root vegetables, trumpet royale mushrooms, Bordelaise                       sauce.Veal sweetbread, game jus; and grilled prime beef rib-eye, red wine garlic sauce
               accompanied by couscous and lentils, blue corn grits, roasted carrot and confit shallot . . .some                      cold Miller Lites . . . .the usual shit.

       Guard: That aside, the Chicago police have denied multiple requests for comment since the Guardian                        began reporting on Homan Square. How do you as a cop and chef respond to that . . .

      RP:       Let's wait until Lent is over . . .then,  Eat Me!

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