Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mary Schmich, Trib Pulitzer Winner and Irish Bigot Has Advice for Your Breeder Micks

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For distinguished commentary, using any available journalistic tool Ten thousand dollars ($10,000).
Awarded to Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune for her wide range of down-to-earth columns that reflect the character and capture the culture of her famed city. Pulitzer Citation 2012

Well, you know the Irish and those who emulate them on St. Patrick's Day, are all ignorant beer swilling sots. My Gawd, all they do is swill beer, beat black children, breed and whine about Catholic school tuition for their spawn. Homophobic priest pawns is all they are, Don't you think?
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Don't You? Mary Schmich certainly does and wants you to know it!

Mary Schmich won the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism a few years ago, 'because she is just such an authentic Chicago voice' in much the same manner that Rahm Emanuel was an authentic Chicago Resident before the Burt Odelson challenge.

Well Ms Schmich has the prize and Rahm the fifth floor and St. Parick's Day gets two parades preceding the Feast of Saint Patrick on Wednesday March 17th.

Some years ago, the south side Irish called a halt to its parade, which I thought was foolish, due to the fact that the drunken brawlers were those persons who boarded buses from fern bars on the northside and JJJ MC Whatever's in Schuamberg and celebrated the Catholic saint by defecating an urinating on lawns, in gangways and in full view of little kids and then engage in brawls with home owners in the Beverly, Morgan Park and Mount Greenwood neighborhhoods - home to Catholic breeders.

Instead, the Parade should have equaled the Dioynsian celebrations enjoyed on Gay Pride Parade -unchecked, unabted and uncriticized, but every bit as 'extreme' as any south side Irish Parade I have eve witnessed ( 1950's-Present)

Note the depravity absent in both, Mary Schmich.

We shut down the South Side Parade and I think it was a bad idea and sent exactly the message bigots love -Drunks and pigs.

Organizers might have limited fern bar buses to 83rd & Western, asked the Corinthian revelers to discard any and all booze and enjoy a vigorous up-hill jaunt to the parade start at 103rd & Western.  What do I know?  It might have caused some uncomfortable socio-political feathers to wilt, or some extra manpower from Daley/Rahm City Hall.

The South Side Irish Parade is the only self-enforced zero-tolerance no booze event in this bullshit addicted city.

Downtown?  There's beer cans and hip-flasks aplenty.  Yet, a minimum of violence and no deaths. The south side Parade is as WCTU as any bull dyke reformer of the 19th Century could demand and almost as dignified as Swedish Day.

That said, Catholics and especially Irish Catholics remain the only punchline available for unchecked PC scolds, like Mary Schmich. Here is Pulitzer worthy prose?

 The annual drunkfest known as St. Patrick's Day is coming soon to a Chicago street near you.
If you're not eager to be blotto by 11 a.m. Saturday, if you don't like mobs, brawls and people puking on the sidewalk, you may as well hide at home with Netflix until the middle of next week.
Did someone say "party pooper"?
Did someone say "old fart"?
Aye, lads and lassies, drunken name-calling is a time-honored St. Paddy's Day tradition. 
Eric Zorn the pencil neck geek pen pal of Mary Schmich might scold me -"Ha'e you no sense of Humor?"

Yes, I might reply, when something has wit and is not cheap and cowardly shot at people who are pretty damn tolerant for all of their history and the crap tossed their way.

The Tribune was founded by Joseph Medill who hated Irish Catholics to the very marrow of his being - the culture of the Tribune, which won many honors due to the employment of Irish Catholics, by the way, is exactly the same as it was in 1871.  Image result for anti irish cartoons

Ridicule is only appropriate when it is deserved and should be limited to the powerful.  Mary Schmich is powerful and appropriately deserves 'lashins and lavins' of it. Mary Schmich will not warn us to avoid the St.Joseph's sweets table on March 19th, anymore than tell Chicagoans of all colors to leave the Glock at home on Bud Billiken Day, or to dress with some dignity on Pride Day and remember to wear a condom - we are stronger than AIDS.

Southsiders, Irish and others, are respected and reviled for their frank, heart-on-the-sleeves rejoinders, Mary. Mine sounds like Buck Hugh.

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