Sunday, February 01, 2015

Rahm's War on Neighborhoods is One of Attrition - Make Everyone Tired of Living Here

I live in a great neighborhood. great people who keep an eye on your home and most especially your kids.   The problem is that my neighborhood is in a city run by a guy who absolutely detests everything about living in a neighborhood.  His people do not live in bungalows, raised ranches, Georgians, or Flats - Rahm Emanuel's people have addresses, residences, places to end a busy day accumulation.

Rahm's people accumulate power in business, entertainment, political grifts, academics and most of all policy.

 Rahm's people do not shovel snow, cut grass, pick up empty beer cans tossed on the lawn by America's youth, nor do they agonize over ballooning taxes, revenue grifts and where to send the kids to school.  Neighbors do that.

Rahm Emanuel wants neighbors gone from Chicago and voters limited to dependable communities.

Rahm Emanuel is a smart-size city guy.  Reduce the city to lovely areas where affluent constituents and investors can walk and bike along streets free of traffic.  Reduce the number of benefits available to Chicagoans and raise the costs out of this world. We have one of the largest inland seas on the planet and it is potable water - you can drink it.

God's Lake on Chicago's shoreline.  Our water bill jumped a whopping 86%, because . . .. ?  Rahm can.

Chicago has the best police force on earth.  Yet, they are undermanned and out gunned. Thugs know - go and rob, beat, even murder, where there are no cops on patrol - in a safe neighborhood.  Big time crooks and grifters hitch their star to politics and government cash.   CPS alumni and drop-outs have the will to steal big, but lack the intellectual heft of a Northwestern education and must eke out a livlihood in a safe neighborhood in a an undermanned neighborhood.

On Friday afternoon at about 3PM, a gas station that serves as a neighborhood temple of good fellowship, Kean Gas at 111th & Talman *was robbed. Kean is place to grab a paper, coffee, candy for the kids and the real news, as well as top-off the gas tank.  Black, Mexican and Caucasians congregate like neighbors, do.

A black kid might rob a store, or grab a kid's cell phone, but it also common knowlege that 3rd generation Irish American might be doing Rahm's bidding and some Mexican St. Rita guy at the Merc could put them all to shame.

There seems to be a news embargo on what happened at Kean Gas on Friday.

No one is talking but the neighbors.

  • No news casts
  • No news features in print or on the web
  • No nothing

Yet, Kean Gas was robbed. Here is what the neighbors know - on Friday, "around 3PM there was an armed robbery at the Kean gas station located on 111th and Talman. The offender is described as a black male in his 20s that possibly fled in a black mini-van."

Rahm is up for re-election.  Chuy Garcia has all of pension gobblers and Willie Wilson has $$$$$$$$$, Ald. Bob Fioretti has a mane of hair the hue of which resides outside of nature.  Chuy is all populist. Willie Wilson is all new.  Bob Fioretti is all about Bob.

Rahm is 'all about our suffering middle class,' . . . no really.

The skilled trades who howl at the sound of Bruce Rauner gave him the endoresement, the firemen gave him their nod, the business suits

There is no news about the robbery at Kean Gas in our neighborhood, because there must be another in the legion of embargos on news.  No one is talking, but the neighbors.

* You may remember Kean Gas as the staging area for the L'il JO-Jo mourners.

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