Thursday, February 05, 2015

Jeb? Governor Jeb Bush? You Mean John Ellis "Call Me Jeb" Bush? President? I'll Pass.

"With inferior numbers you concentrated your troops, and successfully opposed his progress, and obliged him to relinquish his purpose. His next attempt will be on our right" - Robert E. Lee

I have heard many really smart political people tell me just how smart Barack H. Obama was, how heroic John Kerry was, how fair Jim Edgar was, how  selfless Judy Barr Topinka was, how much Richie and Maggie Daley LOVED Chicago, how nice Pat Quinn was, how loyal Charlie Crist was, how incorruptible Valerie Jarrett was, how maverick McCain was, how horrible Palin remains, how American Indian Bessie Warren believes herself to be and that all turned out to be very wrong.
  Even Einstein burned his toast,  once in while.

The bell weather it seems to me is always a consensus built by some schmuck with a bad come-over and worse mustache who hates middle class ethnics and blacks, but knows they are essential to any election.

People who seem to be consistently wrong about everything, make very good Campaign Gurus, because they know that we don't like to be wrong about elections and fools about political candidates and will never publicly say, " I knew that the late Judy Barr Topinka* was afraid, but I convinced myself that she was just one 'tough gal who tells it like it is.'"  People want to Win With Quinn, but avoid the consequences of his terms in office.

It continues.

All the World is getting political wood over the inevitable crowning of JEB.  No,not the swashbuckling Reb Jeb, who screwed the pooch at Gettysburg in '63 and allowed George Gordon Meade to hand Ol' Marse Robert his rump. but the other Bush White Meat.  Jeb Bush, Governor Jeb Bush. John Ellis Bush who is not George W. Bush.

Who asked for him? Probably some GOP bath water guzzler like US Senator Marque Kirque (R IL). More than likely. it is also some Democrats who realize now that President Barack H. Obama had less control over Chicago slumlord weevil Valerie Jarrett, who runs the White House policy wheels, than he had over his unravelling terms of office and have decided to right off 2016 as a loss.

All I know is that JEB Bush seems to be as tired a product as John McCain, Lindsey Graham.  McCain quit the race for the White House in September 2008 when the economy tanked and allowed his flabby campaign's only asset to be chewed up by the punk media.

JEB?  Jeb Bush, Governor John Ellis " Call Me Jeb " Bush really wants the job. He wants the job in the same manner and with the same sense of entitlement as the current daffy, but dangerous occupant. Scott Walker makes sense and has with stood more poop tossed at him than Governor Palin endured in month of MSNBC treatments.  He's tough, not full of himself, cautious around the press. and actually has succeeded.

I would love to see America elect an African American as President, Dr. Ben Carson, but that will not happen, as long as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton hold a 9mm loaded with Race Rounds to heads of Goldman Sachs, Hollywood, GE and both coasts.

JEB?  I think not.  We just had eight years of Obama's empty suit.

If the likes of Dana Millbank, Joan Walsh, EJ Dionne, David Brooks and all of the other dependable ink-slinging amoebas, praise JEB Bush, it seems to me he will be a disaster as President.

Smart guys????????

What say you?

*Judy Barr Topinka grabbed a delegate's spot to attend the 2008 RNC rather than do her own due-dilligence - get petitions, win the delgate elections & etc.  Nasty old hag.

Republican National Committeewoman Mary Jo Arndt  2008
Major General John Borling, USAF (Ret).
Former Ambassador and Former Illinois Republican Party Chair Rich Williamson ILLINOIS DELEGATES
Gregg Abbott
Helen Albert
Mike Amrozowicz
Mayor Jim Ardis
John Atchley
Kirby Ballard
Joe Bartolomucci
Tony Becker
Harry Bond
Maj. Gen. John Borling
Scott Boukal
Rep. Daniel P. Brady
Julie Brady
Kevin Brady
Mary Jane Brady
Will Callard
Dean A. Casper, Jr.
Mayor Thomas Tolbert Chisum
Vincent P. Churak
Robert Cook
Michael Corrigan
James L. Coxworth
Sen. Dan Cronin
Larry DeYoung
Sen. Kirk Dillard
Richard E. Diller
Mary Pat Dixon
William Durkin
Rep. Jim Durkin
Barbara Dwyer
Deb Detmers Fansler
Bobby Vaughan Ferguson
Joann Finger
John Fogarty, Jr.
Rep. Mike Fortner
Jim Fuchs
Susan Gere
Kimberly Pate Godden
Gustavo Gonzalez
Joyce Gooding
Thomas Gooding
William S. Graham
Kent Gray
Mike Hagerty
Donald B. Hall
J. Sue Hamilton
John Harty
Thomas Hayes
Sean Healy
William L. Henniger
Herbert Hentschel
Roy Hertel
Nora Kathleen Hickey
Stephanie Hitt
Damon Hofstrand
Mark Hosty
Robert Hudon
Bill Jacklin
David A. Kelm
Virginia Kenney
Pam Kinsey
U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood
Nadja Lalvani
Prem Lalvani
Pastor Ceasar LeFlore
Stephen Liehr
Cindy Limbach
Andrew Loveday
Alex Martella
Rilio Mastrantonio
Rep. Sidney Mathias
Karen Matjasko
Matthew Mau
John McCrory
Tom McRae
Margaret McSweeney
Ann Melichar
Rep. James Meyer
Mary Jo Mikottis
Jack Murphy
Tim O’Neill
Rep. Joann Osmond
Ray Pawlak
Nick Peric
Rep. Raymond Poe
Dennis Presley
William Read
Nate Rice
James A. Riemer, Jr.
Wayne Rosenthal
Carlos Saucedo
Lisa Schumacher
John Scully
William G. Shepherd
Det. Larry Shepherd
U.S. Rep. John M. Shimkus
Karen Slattery
Michael Sneed
Jason Speer
David Stanton
Nina Stephenson
Eugene Syring
Steven Tomaszewski
Mayor Bruce Tossell
Rep. Jil Tracy
Mayor Henry Vicenik
Charlie Watts
Becky Weber
Mary A. Welling
Ambassador Rich Williamson
Alderman Elmo R. Younger, Veteran of WWII

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