Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cappy Dick Hick says, "Hey Kids, Diagram This Sentence and Qualify for Valuable Prizes!"

I used to love Cappy Dick, the old cartoon section activity and swell yarn feature found in the Funnies Section of most newspapers. Cappy Dick was supposed to be some gnarled wharf rat, ex-Sea Dog, who hung around kids, , , ,in a good way.   Kids were asked to do puzzles, draw funny pictures, connect dots, and read stories about kids trapped in caves.

Great stuff.  I never completed one assignment.  I had enough to do not doing the homework assigned to me by Religious Sisters of Mercy.

While reading across the web, I was stunned not to find the usual Hollywood headline grab of the week - you know Michael "Michigan Fats" Moore telling the world that American Snipers are cowards, or Whoopie Goldberg's latest GI misfire on the View. However, I did find this statement by Amy Pascal, the cashiered SONY exec who had her e-mails hacked by NK Reds.

"I kept calling [IT] and being like, 'They don't have our emails, tell me they don’t have our emails,' " Pascal said at the Women in the World conference.

Man, I communicate with greater clarity after twelve ice cold cans of Drewry's and nose full of Testor's Airplane glue.

I immediately thought of Old Cappy Dick -BTW: I am referred to by boon chums as Hick, but mostly Hickey. Babies, even my Mom and children,  call me Hickey.

Hick works - How about I take on the role of Cappy Dick Hick(ey).

Quote I - "Hey, Kids diagram this sentence!!!!!!!!!!  You may qualify for valuable prizes!"

Image result for diagram a sentence
  • World Book Encyclopedia, Vol 14
  • Balls of string
  • Balls of Yarn
  • Book of Yarns
Here we go, Mateys!!!

"I kept calling [IT] and being like, 'They don't have our emails, tell me they don’t have our emails,' " -Amy Pascal of the Glass Ceiling

1 comment:

  1. When would diagramming a sentence ever be considered a fun kiddy activity?
