Thursday, December 18, 2014

President Obama Pays Back Bill Ayers for All of His Kindnesses - Cuba is Just Folks, Again

"The 400-page report, a copy of which was obtained by the New York Times, revealed that Cuban intelligence officers in the General Directorate of Intelligence (known by its initials in Spanish as the DGI, Cuba’s equivalent of the CIA) set up the Venceremos Brigades in which WUO members participated." New York Times
“The ultimate objective of the DGI’s participation in the setting up of the Venceremos Brigades was “the recruitment of individuals who are politically oriented and who someday may obtain a position, elective or appointive, somewhere in the U.S. Government, which would provide the Cuban Government with access to political, economic and military intelligence.”  

For those of you who have been paying attention, President Obama does exactly what he became President to do - Pay it back.

Bill Ayers, IUC retiree, Weatherman Alumnus, Cuban Sugar Cane Cutter and Barack H. Obama's Chicago "Chinaman" hired the bi-racially attractive affirmative action graduate of Columbia and Harvard Law to serve as President of The Woods Family Fund and the Annenberg Challenge.

Ayers had his past laundered by his Dad's Com Ed loot and landed a sinecure in education department of University of Illinois Chicago, seats on several 501(c) 3 boards as well as a job for his odious Old Lady at Northwestern University School of Law.  History erased is history forgotten.

Ayers  fundamentally transformed Chicago Public Schools from hopelessly inept places of learning into the Marxist coated billion-dollar disasters they remain to this day.  Bill Ayers is an energetic globe trotting ideological gremlin - Ayers carbon foot-prints can be found in Boliva, Venezuela, Mother Cuba, El Salvador, Peru, Columbia and on the Mexican border in our Hemisphere, but also on the streets of Cairo, Moscow, and all over Gaza.   He most recently did the bidding of Presidential puppeteer Valerie Jarrett for the Shiite mullahs in Tehran.  Interestingly, the very words that come out of Bill Ayers' tireless yap can be heard on the panels of MSNBC, CNN, NBC and Public Television.

President Obama has two years to make nice with Iran, betray the Kurds and turn Kim Jong Un into the Winston Churchill of the Pacific Rim. He'll also do his level best to make sure that America splinters into factions of very angry slogan chanters.

Yesterday, Obama paid the debt to Bill Ayers and saved Cuba from economic implosion - you see Putin's Petro muscle and Venezuela's Bolivarista 40-weight ain't worth much any more.  They are fracking screwed, blued and tatooed.

President Obama bowed to the Old Sugar Cane Cutter Bill - Cuba has been laundered.

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