Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fight The War on Women! Don't Lecher. Let's Move. . .to the Kitchen.


 Lechery -noun: "excessive or offensive sexual desire; lustfulness." Webster's Dictionary
Kinkiness comes from low energy. It's the substitution of lechery for lust. Germaine Greer: "A groupie's vision" (October 1969),

I detest lechery.  There is nothing more unbecoming a man void of Christian backbone, manly steel and American patriotism, than to act the leering fob and dandy moueing daintily but with an undercurrent of threat at a winsome maid, or mouthing veiled intentions of delights to come. Pathetic.

Thank God, for all of the daughters of Sappho who happen to be the leading voices Feminism, pitching up the tone of battle-song in this our current and eternal War on Women.

Hell, I surrendered to the superior gender decades ago.

To Ms, Greer's point cited above as the last refuge of us lazy scoundrels. Lechery is a lazy man's lust.  Lechery begets the objectification of women. I'll have none of it!  I am an energetic satyr!!!!  A good natured goat and a randy roisterer.

To fight lechery I stay brisk with the spatula, bowl and whisk!  Cook baby!

Here is my cooked offering.

                                        Hickey’s Don’t Lecher Meatloaf*


·                                 1 pound lean ground beef
·                                 1/2 pound ground veal (or more ground beef)
·                                 1/2 pound ground lean pork
·                                 2 eggs
·                                 1/2 cup fine bread crumbs
·                                 3/4 cup chopped parsley
·                                 1/2 cup finely chopped chives
·                                 3 tablespoons fresh basil, finely chopped  and 1 tablespoon dried basil 
·                                 Thick cut Bacon slices to cover top
·                                 2 dashes each Tabasco, Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauce (long arm dashes)


·                                 1
Preheat oven to moderate (350°F).
·                                 2
Put on chefs gloves or sandwich bags (disposable and not brown paper) In a clean mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients except the bacon slices. Using the hands, blend well - work the hell out of it. You do not want a typical breaks too easy meatloaf.
·                                 3
Line a nine-inch pie plate with aluminum foil and shape the meat mixture into an oval loaf. Place the loaf on the foil and cover with bacon slices.
·                                 4
Bake one and one-half hours. Do not eat !!!!!   Put it in the icebox and eat something else.   Chill over night. Slice thinly and serve over red onion circle on good coarse pumpernickel bread. 

Woman can't get enough of my cold meat loaf and rough cut pumpernickel!

* a carnal interpretive hand dance in and through the chuck, pig and baby calf derived from the New York Times Book of Recipes. 

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