Monday, March 03, 2014

And the Oscar Goes to. . .Eights Years a Disappointing Fop!

Watching theAnonymously Gender Specific Russian Thugs Walk intothe Crimea made me fully appreciate that President Obama has lived up to my expectations. - I skipped the Oscars.

  • He's set back race relations with greater ease than Nathan Bedford Forrest could have dreamed
  • He's had a wonderful time
  • He's a Nobel Peace Laureate
  • He shot Osama
  • He's lowered the bar for Hillary
  • He's 'gotten back to Vlad.'
  • He's Guilt Free and UnConcerned
  • He's the Egyptian Springs, He's Eyeless About Gaza, the Planned Parent, the Black Liberace,  the Irish Mist, the Chicken Kiev and the Magdalene Sister

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