Friday, January 17, 2014

Let's Remember Prohibtion - The Dawn of the Nanny State

If I remember correctly, yesterday January 16th is the Anniversary of Prohibition - the 18th Amendment, the Great Experiment, a Ken Burns PBS Masterpiece and the Dawn of the American Nanny State.

Americans used to remember.  To Remember is to honor.  Americans are too busy with celebrities, Twitter, IPads, and Echo Chamber thought patterns.

  • Remember the Alamo?            'That was a car rental '
  • Remember the Maine?            'The main what?'
  • Remember Pearl Harbor?       'We dropped the Bomb there?'
  • Remember Your Manners?      'Who are YOU to say? @#$% Off, Dude!
Progressives erase historical facts, persons, attitudes, words and thoughts in order to build The Right Side of History - always have and always will.  The need to forget is essential to transforming America from a capitalist, racist war-mongering land of 1%ers to a Harrison Bergeron ( Read the whole story) dystopia ruled by the less-than- 1%-ers: Color not character/Party Not/Worth.

Let's try and remember Prohibition - the 18th Amendment ratified by Utah on January 16th, 1919.

Prohibition was a disaster developed and promulgated by Progressives in the 19th Century - a broad coalition that included Frances Willard's WCTU, Jane Addams, Roger Baldwins ACLU, Methodists, United Church of Christ, Baptists, Congregationalists, the Ku Klux Klan and Planned Parenthood.   The movement to Prohibit the sale and possession of strong drink morphed from a fundamentalist evangelical religious attitude to power politics phenomenon so evident today.

The 18th Amendment was ratified by 36 States and became the law of the land and it was repealed because of the Depression in 1934.  It was a colossal exercise in human misery.  The Progressives no longer use the ballot box.  They employ legislation at the local, state and federal level and they also shop for judges.

One thing they learned from The Great Experiment was - never allow individuals to have a say about anything.

Remember something. 

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