Monday, November 11, 2013

Leo Veterans Observance - Facta Non Verba: Honor in Deeds Not Just Words

The Marines of Chicago's Own - 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines carried 1903 Springfield rifles in tribute to the late James Durkin, USMCR Leo Class of 1930 veteran of Guadalcanal, British Solomon Islands 1942, as it was the weapon Mr. Durkin carried in that campaign.

The Durkin Family with Leo President Dan McGrath and Principal Phil Mesina

Liam Durkin and his sister Lilly helped their Mom lay a wreath at the Memorial in Leo's courtyard that was placed in 1965 through the efforts of James Durkin, Leo '30.

Three heroes of the Vietnam War - Leo Men and veterans of the 25th Infantry Division

The Honor is a small part of our obligation

Korean War vet and CFD hero Jim Corbett gives Leo Math teacher Ms. Hickey sound advice concerning the like-surnamed troll to Chief Corbett's right.

Mr. Holden and Mr. Richards of Bugles Across America did a Taps Duet.

Campus Minister Pete Doyle leads all in the Catholic Prayer-  Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

More great Photos by Phil Mesina, Leo Principal 

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