Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Just Study The ObamaCare Template -' It's Very Good!'

Hey, He didn't build that!  There's no Building in www.Obama.gov
But Old # 44 went all Billy Mays on America yesterday and I caught it, along with a bugger of flu bug.

"There's no sugarcoating it. The website has been too slow. People have been getting stuck during the application process," Obama said. "There's no excuse for the problems. ... These problems are getting fixed."  . . .
"While the website will ultimately be the easiest way to purchase insurance though the marketplace, it isn't the only way," he said. He added that more staff have also joined the exchanges' call centers, which have been reached by calling 1 (800) 318-2596.

Just study  The ObamaCare Template - starring  Marx Brothers: Dana Milbank and David Brooks

Every job completed is a portrait of the artists who completed the work.

How many Community Activists does it take to screw up America?

One is plenty

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