The legal basis on which SACs are selected and designated is the EU Habitats Directive, transposed into Irish law in the as amended in 1998 and 2005. The Directive lists certain habitats and species that must be protected within SACs. Irish habitats include raised bogs, blanket bogs, turloughs, sand dunes, machair (flat sandy plains on the north and west coasts), heaths, lakes, rivers, woodlands, estuaries and sea inlets. The 25 Irish species which must be afforded protection include Salmon, Otter, Freshwater Pearl Mussel, Bottlenose Dolphin and Killarney Fern.Bollocks.
Ireland is a geological specimen, a zoological 'no-go-zone' and a political map for Euro-Ninnies and Eco-Facists.
The shape of geological Ireland (including the Six Counties held by Perfidious Albion) is that of a bowl -High all around and low to the middle. Been that way since the Ice Ages, or there about, and like any bowl it fills with water. To say that Ireland is a swamp, a marsh, or bog is not a strech.
When living creatures, cows, sheep, swine and Eejits wander into the bog they become. . . . shall we say . . .mired in the muck and without a carbon foot-print with opposable thumbs handy and a good stout length of rope, they will die, sink and become bogland. That is what Mother Earth has planned for her kids . . .goats go out in the bog as well.
Like here in America, the dweebs, nerds, eejits and thickos who excelled in the earth sciences developed into Ecology Minded Bores at best and Eco-Fascists at worst. The Eco-Fascists is quite happy with the murder of unborn child, but weeps tears of blood at the news of two North Kerrymen cutting turf.
Turf-cutting is a practice not unique to Ireland,but as culturally vital as Mass and Pints with the Lads after. Cutting-turf is an ancient art developed out of necessity for survival. No turf; no heat; no heat; no Finbar.
Turf is cut and stacked to dry. Dry turf becomes peat. Peat is ignited, like any good old fossil fuel and peat becomes heat. Heat warms home and heats the stove.
Eco-fascists are not peat cutters. They are upper middle class bullies with degrees from Trinity, or University College Dublin in the earth sciences, or political sciences, or journalism. Though thickos they have somehow managed to amass power via politics, the pulpit, or print. When Ireland decided to become a One World Land of Thickos, Wankers and Bollocks it joined the EU.
EU is thick with thickos. The European Union dictates rules for living like a Wanker, Thicko, or a sound Bollocks.
Ireland complies mightily.
The result is a culture clash. Common sense has no place in the EU. Diversity, Political Correctness, EcoTheology, Secularism, Marxist Economics and Gender Agendas are all that matters.
The result?
TWO north Kerry men are to appear at Tralee Circuit Criminal Court in October on charges relating to the extraction of turf from a protected bog.ohn O'Connor (50) and Christopher McCarthy (26), each with an address of Kilbaha, Moyvane, are charged with using a machine to extract turf from the protected Moanveanlagh bog near Listowel last May.
At Listowel District Court the book of evidence in the case was served on the men, who are fully contesting the charges. They were once again supported by members of Turf Cutters and Contractors Association (TCCA) from north Kerry, Clare, Kildare and Galway, including Deputy Luke 'Ming' Flanagan (pictured right), who was in court for the proceedings.
At a previous court sitting, State Solicitor Ed O'Sullivan alleged that National Parks and Wildlife Service officers and gardai found Mr O'Connor and Mr McCarthy operating turfcutting machines on Moanveanlagh Bog on May 20 of last year, two months after a ban on cutting turf in Moanveanlagh was introduced. The investigation continued on May 21, 22 and 24, he said.
"Further inspections were carried out and found that turf was still being cut on different parts of the bog by personnel using the exact same machinery," he said.
At the time, Judge Larkin said she would not accept jurisdiction in the case, am on Tuesday sent the case forward to the October sittings of the Circuit court in Tralee.
Like Obama's Keystone Cops of the USA EPA, if it is a fossil fuel, it is bad for Saudi Arabia, Wahhabi's, the Sierra Club, Green Industries and Hollywood. Control of resources by the thickos, wankers and bollocks universal, is control of industry, government and keeping out of the bog.
1 comment:
Brilliant piece. I wrote something similar on my WordPress and someone who is in love with a corncrake called me ignorant.
The real heavy duty protests are happening up the road from where I grew up in Ireland. No relocation bogs found, cops 24/7, turf machine burnt to the ground......
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