Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Scenes from a Marriage 2013 - Two Moms Part


" I Don't Even Know You, Anymore"

" Stow it Mac!"

Colorado's first recognized same-sex divorce is final.
Supporters of Colorado's new civil unions law say the court ruling sets a precedent for gay couples married in other states who want to legally terminate their relationships here without uprooting their lives.
Juli Yim and Lorelei Jones wed in Massachusetts in 2009, where same-sex marriage is legal.
Yim tells the Fort Collins Coloradoan ( ) the relationship went sour and she found a new partner in Colorado.

Now, what would Old Ingmar Bergman have to say about this item?  Divorce was said to spike in Sweden when this brooding mini-series hit the TV screens in Home of Suicides.  Needless to say, American audiences could not wait to get a gander.  Now, with Marriage being redefined by intellectual and moral giants Gov. Pat Quinn, Senators Dithering Dick Durbin (Planned Parenthood- IL) and Marque Kirque ( GOP-Lite), this news from Colorado should get lawyers and promiscuous couples all a tingle.

Mr. & Mrs. Juli Yim/Lorelei Jones in a gleeful moment - not yesterday.

Scenes from A Marriage 2013 by Yogi Yorgesen

 Juli Yim (JY)- Sometimes it's like husband and wife are talking on telephones that are out of order.

Lorelei Jones (LJ) -We're pitiful, self-indulgent cowards that can't connect with reality and are ashamed of ourselves.

JY - Affection shouldn't be kept just for vacations.

LJ -Sometimes it grieves me that I have never loved anyone. I don't think I've ever been loved either. It really distresses me.

JY -  I don't know what my love looks like, and I can't describe it. Most of the time I can't feel it.

LJ-Are we living in utter confusion?

JY -Sometimes you ask such goddamn silly questions.

LJ- So what? That's what I've become!

Every body Sing Along!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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