Friday, June 28, 2013

Planned Parenthood's Dowagers of Death - "All Our Excess, Live in Texas"


"With the thousands of people who were mobilized this time around, they will be doubly that way if in fact Gov. [Rick Perry] tries to push [the bill] through again in another special session. And if he does, we'll be ready," (Cecile)Richards says.

How's things in Gosnell Land, Cecile, you smartly turned-out and smugly clueless old harpy?

#62 Archer Bus

Ever notice that the hags Planned Parenthood trots out to shill for abortion never look like the Moms (single and married) who ride the # 62 Archer bus to and from Brighton and McKinley Parks and Pilsen, in order to work to send their children to Catholic schools like Our Lady of Tepeyac as well as feed clothe and love them?  I don't belice that Cecile Richards ever shopped at Zemsky's for back to school items, or picked up a bunk beds at Balaban's on Ashland. Planned Parenthood is a dowager club dedecated to the proposition that poor people must have their offspring terminated up to and including post-natal procedures.

Appealing to Bystander America, Planned Parenthood's Cecile (Mrs. SEIU) Richards went on the Cartoon Network  (MSNBC) with the latest PPA pin-up girl, single mom, Texas-cheerleader Wendy Davis in orderto continue its bloody business in Texas.  Here's a typical MSNBC chin-wag andchit-chat among the girls about snipping spinal chords for health -

(My son  lookth nor Thoundth like nothing like Chrith Hayeth - why do MTHNBTHEE anchorth and analythTth remain challenged by the Etth. Thound?  but I digreth)

Bystander America is All In for this Texas Hold 'em Until the Little Bastards Stop Screaming and Wiggling.  The rest of us want to hit the pause button, at the very least, the American Holocaust called Roe v. Wade.

Ekthept in METHNBTHEE TekTheth

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