Friday, May 24, 2013

Leo High School “The LION Express To Opportunity” Safe Here & Safe Home

                             Leo Lion Sam Leno, a back of the yards kid from the Class of 1963, has crafted this great campaign to beef up Leo's ability to get Young Lions to and from school - Facta Non Verba!

“The LION Express To Opportunity

                                                               Safe Here & Safe Home

Establish a safe,
reliable, modern
school bus system
for students who
have no other
options, to get
to/from school and
home, as well as
to/from school

As the city and neighborhoods began to change, public
transportation became less reliable and less safe.
Leo High School desperately
needs our help!
Dear Leo Alumni, friends and family,
As you know, attending Leo has contributed significantly to
providing each of us a strong foundation of integrity,
discipline and sound moral values, molding us into the men
that we are today. While our backgrounds are varied, we
have all successfully transitioned from young boys to good
husbands, fathers and grandfathers. Thanks to the
commitment of the Irish Christian Brothers, as well as
countless lay-teachers, we were all blessed with the
opportunity to enjoy an outstanding education grounded in
our faith in God.
Throughout the years, most of us got to school either by
walking or riding city transportation. However, as the city
and neighborhoods began to change, public transportation
became less reliable and less safe. Many other Catholic
High Schools added their own bus transportation over the
years, but unfortunately, Leo did not. As a result of this
and other less significant factors, enrollment has decreased
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016
We are all part of an important legacy and now we have an opportunity to keep that legacy
alive by helping Leo help itself. A modern and effective transportation program will:
-- provide much improved recruiting initiatives and results by being able to expand its
geographic reach
-- increase the school’s enrollment numbers, providing increased tuition proceeds
-- provide the means for Leo leadership to address many of its other facility needs, making
the school even more desirable potentially increasing enrollment even more
The “bottom line” - This campaign “The LION Express To Opportunity
Safe Here & Safe Home will provide the money necessary to materially increase the
number and quality of its buses and become the “gift that keeps on giving!”
Many of you have been strong supporters of Leo with your donations over the years.
However, given the importance of this specific need, which is vital to the future of the school, I
am praying that each of you will join me and others who are reaping the benefits of having
attended Leo High School, in making a 1 time donation to this unique enrollment expanding
initiative. It is a meaningful way for us to "give back" and help students, much like us when
we were high school age, receive an education like no other.
from over 1200 at its peak, to about 160 today. This is sad to see,
especially when the school offers so much good and hope to young
men trying to make a difference in their lives by receiving a quality
education, excellent values and spiritual guidance.
The single most significant factor preventing Leo from increasing its
enrollment is it’s inability to compete with other Catholic High Schools
that do supply transportation to students who have no other means of
getting to/from home and school, as well as to/from student events.
Leo has as much to offer its young impressionable students today as it did when we all
attended, but the single biggest concern expressed by the parents of prospective students is the
need for the school to supply safe, reliable transportation for their children.
In spite of its transportation limitations, Leo has been successful at recruiting many outstanding
students and student athletes who excel and compete successfully against much larger schools,
both Public and Catholic. Imagine how much more successful they could be if they could
enhance their recruiting efforts through a vital transportation program?
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Spring 2016
Alumni Quote
Here are some of the specifics:
“The LION Express To Opportunity
Safe Here & Safe Home
O Goal: Establish a safe, reliable, modern
school bus system for students who have no
other transportation options, to get to/from
school and home, as well as to/from school
O Needs: 2 large school buses and 3 to 4
O Why: Materially improve new student
recruiting initiatives and significantly expand
the size of Leo’s student body every year.
O How: Create a targeted and highly visible
“special campaign” by soliciting 1 time
donations from Alumni and “Friends of Leo
High School”
O Target: Raise $300,000
O When: over the next 30 days
O Involvement: Alumni, student body
and key faculty members
“Looking back retrospectively at
the foundational experience
provided by Leo and the Irish
Christian Brothers, my high
school experience played a
pivotal role in molding me into a
better human being in almost
every respect. The education,
values and discipline instilled by
brothers Sloan, McCabe, Beyer,
McDermott, Acker, Miller, Shea,
Nash, Martin, Coogan,
Castellanos, McDonough,
McKenna, Ryan and the other lay
teachers, taught me how to make
a meaningful difference in my life
and expand my experiences well
beyond the South Side of
Chicago. The Leo experience
helped me become and be a
better Naval Officer, a more
effective businessman, a better
father and husband.”

The school has created a separate bank account for
these donations to ensure that all donations are used for
the explicit purpose of creating a small fleet of student
buses as described above. If you’d like discuss this
initiative or receive any additional information, please
call (773) 224-9600 and ask to speak with either Dan
McGrath, President of Leo High School, or Pat Hickey in
the Development Office.
We will keep all of you informed of the success of this
program by posting updated results at the Leo Website:
Please make your donation checks payable to:
Leo High School – The Lion Express to Opportunity
Mail your donations to:
Leo High School
Attention: Dan McGrath, President
7901 S. Sangamon St.
Chicago, IL 60620
No matter how much you are able to give, Leo
will benefit greatly from your sincere generosity!
Gratefully yours,


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