Saturday, April 06, 2013

In Obama's Army - Catholics and Evangelical Christians Are Listed as Extremists

Extremist Catholic Priest (above and to the right) Posthumous Recipient Congressional Medal of Honor
Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center: Thoughtful, caring, and well-funded influential American.
As Isaiah the Prophet said [Isaiah 5:20-24]:
Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
and shrewd in their own sight!
Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine,
and valiant men in mixing strong drink,
who acquit the guilty for a bribe,
and deprive the innocent of his right!
Therefore, as the tongue of fire devours the stubble,
and as dry grass sinks down in the flame,
so their root will be as rottenness,
and their blossom go up like dust;
for they have rejected the law of the LORD of hosts,
and have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) issued the following statement today on the mischaracterization of  “Catholicism” as an example of “religious extremism” on slide #24 of this U.S. Army Reserve training brief:

I got an e-mail from a board member for Brother Rice High School who practices law in Georgia.
This e-mail included a link to the website for the Bishop of Military Chaplains.  

The Archdiocese for the Military Services and Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty recently became aware of a U.S. Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training brief that expressly listed “Catholicism,” “Evangelical Christianity” and other religious groups as examples of “religious extremism” alongside groups such as “Al Qaeda”, “Hamas” and the “KKK.”  
The Archdiocese is astounded that Catholics were listed alongside groups that are, by their very mission and nature, violent and extremist. 
According to an investigation and reply from the Army Chief of Chaplains office, the training in question appears to have been an isolated incident not condoned by the Department of the Army. The Archdiocese and the Chaplain Alliance explained that the Army can and should take steps to prevent such incidents in the future.
The Archdiocese calls upon the Department of Defense to review these materials and to ensure that tax-payer funds are never again used to present blatantly anti-religious material to the men and women in uniform.

A new Army Reserve program warns officers to be on the look out for terrorists, gang-bangers, political extremists, church going Evangelicals and Roman Catholics ( page 24.) as domestic and international terrorists.

From the introduction to the training brief, it appears that President Obama as Commander-in-Chief reached out to the Southern Poverty Law Center for guidance in identifying bad guys and girls.

The number of hate groups, extremists and anti‐govt organizationsin theU.S. has
continued to grow over the past three years, according to reports by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They increased to 1,018 in 2011, up from1,002 in 2010 and 602 in 2000.
The striking rise is fueled by the superheated fears generated by economic dislocation, a proliferation of demonizing conspiracy theories,the changing racialmake‐up of America and the prospect of 4 more years under a black president who many on the far right view as an enemy to their country country. The rise in hate crimes and extremism outside the military may be an indication of internal
issues all services will have to face
On one hand America has an extremist like Padre Grunt

On the other hand you have this runt

Gee, Mark almost to the word of the Army Brief.

There have been many Roman Catholic and Evangelical Christians who went to extreme measures to preserve our democracy.  

Barack H. Obama is the Commander in Chief and not the clowns of the Southern Poverty Law Center, whatever the hell that means?

Here's a few, just the Irish American Extremists:

Civil War

      This along with the *, indicates that the Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously
      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
James AllenArmyPrivateSouth Mountain,MarylandSeptember 14, 1862Single-handed and slightly wounded he accosted a squad of 14 Confederate soldiers bearing the colors of the 16th Georgia Infantry (C.S.A.).
Robert AndersonNavyQuartermasterOn board the USS Crusader and theUSS Keokuk1863Served on board the USS Crusader and the USS Keokuk during various actions of those vessels.
Augustus BarryArmySergeant MajorUnknown1863 – 1865Gallantry in various actions during the rebellion.[9]
David L. BassNavySeamanFort FisherNorth CarolinaJanuary 15, 1865On board the U.S.S. Minnesota in action during the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865.
William R. D. BlackwoodArmySurgeonPetersburg, VirginiaApril 2, 1865Removed severely wounded officers and soldiers from the field while under a heavy fire from the enemy, exposing himself beyond the call of duty, thus furnishing an example of most distinguished gallantry.
Profile of a balding white man with bushy, drooping mustache wearing an ornate military jacket with shoulder boards, shoulder cords, and a lanyard hanging from the chest.John Gregory BourkeArmyPrivateCompany E, 15th Pennsylvania CavalryMurfreesboro, TennesseeDecember 31, 1862 – January 2, 1863Gallantry in action.[10]
James BradyArmyPrivateBattle of Chaffin's FarmVirginiaSep 29, 1864Capture of flag[9]
Felix BranniganArmyPrivateBattle of Chancellorsville,VirginiaMay 2, 1863Volunteered on a dangerous service and brought in valuable information.
John BrosnanArmySergeantCompany E, 164th New York InfantrySecond Battle of Petersburg,VirginiaJun 17, 1864Rescued a wounded comrade who lay exposed to the enemy's fire, receiving a severe wound in the effort.[9]
Denis BuckleyArmyPrivateBattle of Peachtree Creek, Ga.Jul 20, 1864Capture of flag of 31st Mississippi (C.S.A.).[9]
John C. BuckleyArmySergeantBattle of Vicksburg, Miss.May 22, 1863Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party."[9]
E. Michael BurkArmyPrivateBattle of Spotsylvania Court HouseVirginiaMay 12, 1864Capture of flag, seizing it as his regiment advanced over the enemy's works. He received a bullet wound in the chest while capturing flag.[9]
Thomas BurkArmySergeantBattle of WildernessMay 6, 1864At the risk of his own life went back while the rebels were still firing and, finding Col. Wheelock unable to move, alone and unaided, carried him off the field of battle.[9]
Daniel W. BurkeArmyFirst SergeantBattle of Shepherdstown,VirginiaSep 20, 1862Voluntarily attempted to spike a gun in the face of the enemy.[9]
John H. CallahanArmyPrivateBattle of Fort Blakely, Ala.Apr 9, 1865Capture of flag.
William CampbellArmyPrivateVicksburg, MississippiMay 22, 1863Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party."
Hugh CareyArmySergeant82nd New York InfantryBattle of Gettysburg, Pa.Jul 2, 1863Captured the flag of the 7th Virginia Infantry (C.S.A.), being twice wounded in the effort.[11]
Patrick ColbertNavyCoxswainAboard theUSS Commodore HullOctober 31, 1864Served on board the U.S.S. Commodore Hull at the capture of Plymouth, 31 October 1864[9]
Charles H. T. CollisArmyColonelPetersburg, VirginiaDecember 13, 1862Gallantly led his regiment in battle at a critical moment.
Dennis ConlanNavySeamanAboard theUSS Agawam,First Battle of Fort FisherDecember 23, 1864Conlan served on board the U.S.S. Agawam, as one of a volunteer crew of a powder boat which was exploded near Fort Fisher, 23 December 1864.[9]
Thomas ConnorNavyOrdinary SeamanFort FisherNorth CarolinaJanuary 15, 1865On board the U.S.S. Minnesota, in action during the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865.
James ConnorsArmyPrivateBattle of Fisher's HillVirginiaSeptember 22, 1864Capture of enemy flag.
John L. M. CooperNavyCoxswainMobile Bay,Alabama
Mobile, Alabama
August 5, 1864
April 26, 1865
Double MOH recipient
John CorcoranArmyPrivateThird Battle of Petersburg,VirginiaApr 2, 1865Was one of a detachment of 20 picked artillerymen who voluntarily accompanied an infantry assaulting party, and who turned upon the enemy the guns captured in the assault.[12]
Head of a white man with a drooping mustache and short hair, wearing a dark suit over a light-colored shirt and tie. The portrait is surrounded by a shield-shaped decorative frame.Thomas E. CorcoranNavyLandmanVicksburg, MississippiMay 27, 1863Served on board the U.S.S. Cincinnati during the attack on the Vicksburg batteries and at the time of her sinking
John CreedArmyPrivateBattle of Fisher's HillVirginiaSeptember 22, 1864Capture of the enemy flag.
A white man with a mustache standing with his left arm resting on an object to his side and his right hand inside his jacket. A star-shaped medal is hanging from a ribbon on his left breast.Cornelius CroninNavyChief QuartermasterAboard theUSS Richmond,Battle of Mobile BayAugust 5, 1864On board the U.S.S. Richmond in action at Mobile Bay on 5 August 1864[9]
Richard J. CurranArmyAssistant SurgeonAntietam, MarylandSeptember 17, 1862Voluntarily exposed himself to great danger by going to the fighting line there succoring the wounded and helpless and conducting them to the field hospital.
Michael DoughertyArmyPrivateJefferson, VirginiaOct 12, 1863At the head of a detachment of his company dashed across an open field, exposed to a deadly fire from the enemy, and succeeded in dislodging them from an unoccupied house, which he and his comrades defended for several hours against repeated attacks, thus preventing the enemy from flanking the position of the Union forces.
Patrick DoughertyNavyLandsmanAboard theUSS Lackawanna,Battle of Mobile BayAugust 5, 1864As a landsman on board the U.S.S. Lackawanna, Dougherty acted gallantly without orders when the powder box at his gun was disabled under the heavy enemy fire, and maintained a supply of powder throughout the prolonged action. Dougherty also aided in the attacks on Fort Morgan and in the capture of the prize ram Tennessee.
Edmund EnglishArmyFirst SergeantWilderness, VirginiaMay 6, 1864During a rout and while under orders to retreat seized the colors, rallied the men, and drove the enemy back.
Thomas T. FallonArmyPrivateWilliamsburg,VirginiaMay 1862 andJun 1864At Williamsburg, Virginia, assisted in driving rebel skirmishers to their main line. Participated in action, at Fair Oaks, Virginia, though excused from duty because of disability. In a charge with his company at Big Shanty, Ga., was the first man on the enemy's works.[6]
Thomas FitzpatrickNavyCoxswainAboard theUSS Hartford,Battle of Mobile BayAugust 5, 1864As captain of the No. 1 gun on board the flagship U.S.S. Hartford, during action against rebel gunboats, the ram Tennessee and Fort Morgan in Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864.
Augustin FlanaganArmySergeantBattle of Chaffin's FarmVirginiaSep 29, 1864Gallantry in the charge on the enemy's works: rushing forward with the colors and calling upon the men to follow him; was severely wounded.
James FlanniganArmyPrivateNolensville, Tenn.Feb 15, 1863Was one of a detachment of 16 men who heroically defended a wagon train against the attack of 125 cavalry, repulsed the attack and saved the train.
Christopher FlynnArmyCorporal14th Connecticut InfantryBattle of Gettysburg, Pa.Jul 3, 1863Capture of flag of 52d North Carolina Infantry (C.S.A.).[11]
James E. FlynnArmySergeantBattle of Vicksburg, Miss.May 22, 1863Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party."
Head of a white man with a bushy mustache wearing a dark suit and bow tie. The portrait is surrounded by an oval-shaped frame decorated with stars and stripes.Michael C. HorganNavyLandmanPlymouth, North CarolinaOctober 31, 1864"[D]istinguished himself by a display of coolness when he participated in landing and spiking a 9-inch gun while under a devastating fire from enemy musketry."
Samuel B. HorneArmyCaptainFort Harrison,VirginiaSeptember 29, 1864While acting as an aide and carrying an important message, was severely wounded and his horse killed but delivered the order and rejoined his general.
Michael HudsonMarine CorpsSergeantMobile Bay,AlabamaAugust 5, 1864On board the U.S.S. Brooklyn during action against rebel forts and gunboats and with the ram Tennessee in Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864
Thomas R. KerrArmyCaptainMoorefield, West VirginiaAugust 7, 1864After being most desperately wounded, he captured the colors of the 8th Virginia Cavalry (C.S.A.).
Edward M. KnoxArmySecond LieutenantGettysburg,PennsylvaniaJul 2, 1863Held his ground with the battery after the other batteries had fallen back until compelled to draw his piece off by hand; he was severely wounded.[13]
Bartlett LaffeyNavySeamanYazoo City, MississippiMarch 5, 1864Served on board the U.S.S. Marmora off Yazoo City, Miss., 5 March 1864. Landed ashore with his howitzer gun and crew in the midst of battle and contributed to the turning back of the enemy.
Hugh LoganNavyCaptain of the ForecastleMobile Bay,AlabamaDecember 30, 1862On board the U.S.S. Rhode Island which was engaged in rescuing men from the stricken Monitor in Mobile Bay, on 30 December 1862.
John LonerganArmyCaptain13th Vermont InfantryGettysburg, PennsylvaniaJuly 2, 1863Gallantry in the recapture of 4 guns and the capture of 2 additional guns from the enemy; also the capture of a number of prisoners.[11]
Michael MaddenArmyPrivateMason's Island,MarylandSeptember 3, 1861Assisted a wounded comrade to the riverbank and, under heavy fire of the enemy, swam with him across a branch of the Potomac to the Union lines.
Richard C. MangamArmyPrivateBattle of Hatcher's RunVirginiaApril 2, 1865Capture of flag of 8th Mississippi Infantry (C.S.A.)
James Martin IIMarine CorpsSergeantMobile Bay,AlabamaAugust 5, 1864Despite damage to his ship and the loss of several men on board as enemy fire raked her decks, Sgt. Martin fought his gun with skill and courage throughout the furious 2 hour battle which resulted in the surrender of the rebel ram Tennessee and in the damaging and destruction of batteries at Fort Morgan.
Peter McAdamsArmyCorporalSalem Heights,VirginiaMay 3, 1863Went 250 yards in front of his regiment toward the position of the enemy and under fire brought within the lines a wounded and unconscious comrade.[14]
Charles McAnallyArmySecond LieutenantSpotsylvania County, VirginiaMay 12, 1864In a hand-to-hand encounter with the enemy captured a flag, was wounded in the act, but continued on duty until he received a second wound.
Patrick H. McEnroeArmySergeantWinchester, VirginiaSeptember 19, 1864Capture of colors of 36th Virginia Infantry (C.S.A.).
Martin McHughNavySeamanAboard theUSS Cincinnati,Operations against VicksburgMay 27, 1863Serving on board the USS Cincinnati during the attack on the Vicksburg batteries and at the time of her sinking, 27 May 1863.[15]
Framed portrait of a white man with a very long beard, neatly trimmed hair, and a dark jacket.Hugh MolloyNavyOrdinary SeamanHarrisonburg, LouisianaMarch 2, 1864Served on board the USS Fort Hindman during the engagement near Harrisonburg, La., 2 March 1864.
Patrick MonaghanArmyCorporalSecond Battle of Petersburg,VirginiaJun 17, 1864Recapture of colors of 7th New York Heavy Artillery.
John G. MorrisonNavyCoxswainOn board the USS CarondeletJuly 15, 1862Serving as coxswain on board the USS Carondelet, Morrison was commended for meritorious conduct in general and especially for his heroic conduct and his inspiring example to the crew in the engagement with the rebel ram Arkansas, Yazoo River, 15 July 1862.
Portrait of a white man with wavy hair and a long, forked beard, wearing a suit.St. Clair A. MulhollandArmyMajorChancellorsville, VirginiaMay 4–5, 1863In command of the picket line held the enemy in check all night to cover the retreat of the Army.
Dennis MurphyArmySergeantCorinth, MississippiOctober 3, 1862Although wounded three times, carried the colors throughout the conflict.
Michael C. MurphyArmyLieutenant ColonelBattle of North AnnaVirginiaMay 24, 1864This officer, commanding the regiment, kept it on the field exposed to the fire of the enemy for 3 hours without being able to fire one shot in return because of the ammunition being exhausted.
Christopher NugentMarine CorpsSergeantOn board the USS Fort HenryJune 15, 1863For his actions while serving on board the USS Fort Henry, Crystal River, Fla., 15 June 1863.
James R. O'BeirneArmyCaptainBattle of Seven PinesVirginiaMay 31-June 1, 1862Gallantly maintained the line of battle until ordered to fall back.
Henry D. O'BrienArmyCorporalBattle of Gettysburg, Pa.Jul 3, 1863Taking up the colors where they had fallen, he rushed ahead of his regiment, close to the muzzles of the enemy's guns, and engaged in the desperate struggle in which the enemy was defeated, and though severely wounded, he held the colors until wounded a second time.
Oliver O'BrienNavyCoxswainAboard theUSS John AdamsNovember 28, 1864Served as coxswain on board the U.S. Sloop John Adams, Sullvan's Island Channel, 28 November 1864. Taking part in the boarding of the blockade runner Beatrice while under heavy enemy fire from Fort Moultrie, O'Brien, who was in charge of one of the boarding launches, carried out his duties with prompt and energetic conduct. This action resulted in the firing of the Beatrice and the capture of a quantity of supplies from her.
Peter O'BrienArmyPrivateBattle of Waynesboro, VirginiaMar 2, 1865Capture of flag and of a Confederate officer with his horse and equipment
Thomas O'ConnellNavyCoal HeaverAboard theUSS Hartford,Battle of Mobile BayAug 5, 1864On board the flagship USS Hartford, during successful attacks against Fort Morgan, rebel gunboats and the ram Tennessee in Mobile Bay on 5 August 1864.
Timothy O'ConnorArmyPrivateUnknownUnknownDate and place of act not of record in War Department.
John O'DeaArmyPrivateVicksburg, MississippiMay 22, 1863Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party"
Menomen O'DonnellArmyFirst LieutenantBattle of Vicksburg,Mississippi and Fort DeRussey, La.May 22, 1863 andMar 14, 1864Voluntarily joined the color guard in the assault on the enemy's works when he saw indications of wavering and caused the colors of his regiment to be planted on the parapet. Voluntarily placed himself in the ranks of an assaulting column (being then on staff duty) and rode with it into the enemy's works, being the only mounted officer present, was twice wounded in battle.
Timothy O'DonoghueNavySeamanAboard theUSS SignalRed River CampaignMay 5, 1864Served as boatswain's mate on board the USS Signal, Red River, 5 May 1864.
Stephen O'NeillArmyCorporalBattle of Chancellorsville,VirginiaMay 1, 1863Took up the colors from the hands of the color bearer who had been shot down and bore them through the remainder of the battle.
George C. PlattArmyPrivateFairfield, PennsylvaniaJuly 3, 1863Seized the regimental flag upon the death of the standard bearer in a hand-to-hand fight and prevented it from falling into the hands of the enemy.
Thomas PlunkettArmySergeantFredericksburg, VirginiaDecember 11, 1862Seized the colors of his regiment, the color bearer having been shot down, and bore them to the front where both his arms were carried off by a shell.
Head and shoulders of a white man with a drooping mustache, wearing a cavalry hat and a double-breasted military jacket with two medals pinned to the left breast.James QuinlanArmyMajorSavage's Station, VirginiaJune 29, 1862Led his regiment on the enemy's battery, silenced the guns, held the position against overwhelming numbers, and covered the retreat of the 2d Army Corps.
John RannahanMarine CorpsCorporalFort FisherNorth CarolinaJanuary 15, 1865On board the USS Minnesota in the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865.
George ReynoldsArmyPrivateWinchester, VirginiaSeptember 19, 1864Capture of Virginia State flag.
James S. RoantreeMarine CorpsSergeantMobile Bay,AlabamaAugust 5, 1864On board the USS Oneida during action against rebel forts and gunboats and with the ram Tennessee in Mobile Bay, 5 August 1864.
Peter J. RyanArmyPrivateWinchester, VirginiaSeptember 19, 1864With one companion, captured 14 Confederates in the severest part of the battle.
George SchuttNavyCoxswainSt. Marks, FloridaMarch 5–6, 1865
William J. SewellArmyColonelChancellorsville, VirginiaMay 3, 1863For assuming command of the brigade, rallying the troops, and remaining in command though wounded.[6]
William SmithNavyQuartermasterOn board the USS KearsargeJanuary 15, 1865Served as second quartermaster on board the USS Kearsarge when she destroyed the Alabama off Cherbourg, France, 19 June 1864.
James SullivanNavyOrdinary SeamanBattle of Fort FisherNorth CarolinaDecember 2, 1864On board the USS Agawam as one of a volunteer crew of a powder boat which was exploded near Fort Fisher, 2 December 1864.
John SullivanNavySeamanUSS MonticelloJun 23, 1864 –Jun 25, 1864Served as seaman on board the USS Monticello during the reconnaissance of the harbor and water defenses of Wilmington, North Carolina 23 to 25 June 1864.
Timothy SullivanNavyCoxswainUSS LouisvilleVariousServed on board the USS Louisville during various actions of that vessel. During the engagements of the Louisville, Sullivan served as first captain of a 9 inch gun and throughout his period of service was "especially commended for his attention to duty, bravery, and coolness in action."
John M. TobinArmyFirst LieutenantMalvern Hill,VirginiaJuly 1, 1862Voluntarily took command of the 9th Massachusetts while adjutant, bravely fighting from 3 p.m. until dusk, rallying and re_forming the regiment under fire; twice picked up the regimental flag, the color bearer having been shot down, and placed it in worthy hands.
John WalshArmyCorporalBattle of Cedar CreekVirginiaOctober 19, 1864Recaptured the flag of the 15th New Jersey Infantry.
Thomas M. WellsArmyChief BuglerBattle of Cedar CreekVirginiaOctober 19, 1864Capture of colors of 44th Georgia Infantry (C.S.A.).
Edward WelshArmyPrivateVicksburg, MississippiMay 22, 1863Gallantry in the charge of the "volunteer storming party."
James WelshArmyPrivateBattle of the Crater, Petersburg,VirginiaJul 30, 1864Bore off the regimental colors after the color sergeant had been wounded and the color corporal bearing the colors killed thereby saving the colors from capture.[12]
Patrick H. WhiteArmyCaptainVicksburg, MississippiMay 22, 1863Carried with others by hand a cannon up to and fired it through an embrasure of the enemy's works.

[edit]Indian Wars

      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Richard BarrettArmyFirst SergeantCompany A,1st U.S. CavalrySycamore CanyonArizonaMay 23, 1872Conspicuous gallantry in a charge upon the Tonto Apaches.
James J. BellArmyPrivateBig Horn, MontanaJuly 9, 1876
Thomas BoyneArmySergeantCompany C,9th U.S. CavalryMimbres Mountains, N. Mex. and Cuchillo Negro River near Ojo CalienteNew MexicoMay 29, 1879andSep 27, 1879Bravery in action.[9]
Edward BranaganArmyPrivateCompany F,4th U.S. CavalryRed River, TexasSep 29, 1872"Gallantry in action."
James BroganArmySergeantCompany G,6th U.S. CavalrySimon Valley, ArizonaDec 14, 1877Engaged singlehanded 2 renegade Indians until his horse was shot under him and then pursued them so long as he was able.
James BrophyArmyPrivateCompany B,8th U.S. CavalryArizona1868Bravery in scouts and actions against Indians.
James BrownArmySergeantCompany F,5th U.S. CavalryDavidson Canyon near Camp Crittenden,ArizonaAug 27, 1872In command of a detachment of 4 men defeated a superior force.[9]
Patrick J. BurkeArmyFarrierCompany B,8th U.S. CavalryArizona1868Bravery in scouts and actions against Indians.[9]
Richard BurkeArmyPrivateCompany G,5th U.S. InfantryCedar Creek, etc., MontanaOct 1876 –Jan 1877Gallantry in engagements.[9]
EdmondButler.jpgEdmond ButlerArmyCaptainCompany C,5th U.S. InfantryWolf MountainsMontanaJanuary 8, 1877Most distinguished gallantry in action with hostile Indians.[9]
Denis ByrneArmySergeantCompany G,5th U.S. InfantryCedar Creek, MontanaOctober 1876 - January 1877Gallantry in engagements.[9]
Thomas J. CallanArmyPrivateCompany B, 7th US CavalryLittle BighornMontanaJune 25–26, 1876Displayed conspicuously good conduct in assisting to drive away the Indians
Surname misspelled "Callen" on citation
John ConnorArmyCorporalNear Wichita RiverTexasJuly 12, 1870
William EvansArmyPrivateBig Horn, MontanaJuly 9, 1876
Daniel FarrenArmyPrivateArizona TerritoryAugust - October 1868
James FeganArmySergeantNear Plum Creek, KansasMarch 1868
John H. FoleyArmySergeantNear Platte RiverNebraskaApril 26, 1872
Nicholas ForanArmyPrivateArizona TerritoryAugust - October 1868
Patrick GoldenArmySergeantArizona TerritoryAugust - October 1868
Henry HoganArmyFirst SergeantCedar Creek, Montana
Bear Paw MountainsMontana
October 1876 - January 8, 1877
September 30, 1877
Double MOH recipient
Bernard J. D. IrwinArmyAssistant SurgeonApache PassArizonaFebruary 13–14, 1861
John KeenanArmyPrivateArizona TerritoryAugust - October 1868
Patrick J. LeonardArmySergeantLittle Blue, NebraskaMay 15, 1870
Patrick T. LeonardArmyCorporalNear Fort Hartsuff, NebraskaApril 26, 1876
John McHughArmyPrivateCompany A,5th U.S. InfantryCedar Creek, etc., MontanaOct 21, 1876 –Jan 8, 1877"Gallantry in action"
John NihillArmyPrivateWhetstone MountainsArizonaJuly 13, 1872
Richard J. NolanArmyFarrierWhite Clay CreekSouth DakotaDecember 30, 1890
Moses OrrArmyPrivateWinter of 1872/1873
John F. O'SullivanArmyPrivateStaked PlainsTexasDecember 8, 1874
William R. ParnellArmyFirst LieutenantWhite Bird Canyon, IdahoJune 17, 1877
Patrick RoganArmySergeantBig Hole, MontanaAugust 9, 1877
Edward RooneyArmyPrivateCompany D, 5th US InfantryCedar Creek, etc., MontanaOct 21, 1876 –Jan 8, 1877"Gallantry in action."[9]
David RyanArmyPrivateCompany G, 5th US InfantryCedar Creek, etc., MontanaOct 21, 1876 –Jan 8, 1877"Gallantry in action."
Dennis RyanArmyFirst SergeantCompany I, 6th US CavalryGageby Creek, Indian TerritoryDec 2, 1874Courage while in command of a detachment.
Thomas SullivanArmyPrivateCompany E, 7th US CavalryWounded Knee Creek, South DakotaDec 29, 1890Conspicuous bravery in action against Indians concealed in a ravine.[6]
Rescue of Lt. Charles King.jpgBernard TaylorArmySergeantCompany A, 5th US CavalryNear Sunset Pass, ArizonaNov 1, 1874Bravery in rescuing Lt. King, 5th U.S. Cavalry, from Indians.
John TracyArmyPrivateChiricahua MountainsArizonaOctober 20, 1869Born as Henry G. Nabers

[edit]Korean Expedition

      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
John ColemanMarine CorpsPrivateOn board the USS ColoradoJune 11, 1871
James DoughertyMarine CorpsPrivateKoreaJune 11, 1871
Patrick H. GraceNavyChief QuartermasterOn board the USS BeniciaJune 10, 1871 - June 11, 1871
Michael McNamaraMarine CorpsPrivateOn board the USS BeniciaJune 11, 1871

[edit]Spanish-American War

      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Head and torso of a young black man wearing a suit and tie with a watch chain hanging from a jacket button. He has a cap pushed high up on his forehead and tilted over his left ear.Dennis BellArmyPrivateTayabacoa, CubaJun 30, 1898Voluntarily went ashore in the face of the enemy and aided in the rescue of his wounded comrades; this after several previous attempts at rescue had been frustrated.[9]
George F. BradyNavyChief Gunner's MateCardenas, CubaMay 11, 1898
Thomas CavanaughNavyFireman First ClassBahamasNovember 14, 1898
Thomas C. CooneyNavyChiefMachinistCardenas, CubaMay 11, 1898
Thomas M. DohertyArmyCorporalSantiago de CubaJuly 1, 1898
John FitzgeraldMarine CorpsPrivateCuzco,CubaJune 14, 1898
Philip GaughanMarine CorpsSergeantCienfuegos,CubaMay 11, 1898
Michael GibbonsNavyOilerCienfuegos,CubaMay 11, 1898
Michael KearneyMarine CorpsPrivateCienfuegos,CubaMay 11, 1898
Thomas KellyArmyPrivateSantiago de CubaJuly 1, 1898
John MaxwellNavyFireman Second ClassCienfuegos,CubaMay 11, 1898
Daniel MontagueNavyChief Master-at-armsSantiago de CubaJune 2, 1898
John E. MurphyNavyCoxswainSantiago de CubaJune 2, 1898
Edward SullivanMarine CorpsCorporalCienfuegos,CubaMay 11, 1898

[edit]Philippine-American War

      This with the * indicates that the Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously
      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Bernard A. ByrneArmyCaptain6th U.S. InfantryBobong, NegrosJuly 19, 1899Rallied his men on the bridge after the line had been broken and pushed back.[9]
Cornelius J. Leahy*ArmyPrivateCompany A, 36th Infantry, U.S. VolunteersLuzon,PhilippinesSeptember 3, 1899”Distinguished gallantry in action in driving off a superior force and with the assistance of 1 comrade brought from the field of action the bodies of 2 comrades, 1 killed and the other severely wounded, this while on a scout.”
Thomas F. PrendergastMarine CorpsCorporalLuzon,PhilippinesMarch 25, 1899 -March 29, 1899 andApril 5, 1899”For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy in battle”
Patrick ShanahanNavyChiefBoatswain's MatePhilippinesMay 28, 1899

[edit]Boxer Rebellion

      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
James CooneyMarine CorpsPrivateTientsinChinaJuly 13, 1900
Daniel DalyMarine CorpsPrivate15th Company of MarinesPeking, ChinaJuly 19, 1901Double MOH recipient
Head of a white man with brown hair and a drooping mustache wearing a blue military jacket. The man is looking off to the side.Alexander J. FoleyMarine CorpsSergeantnear TianjinChinaJul 13, 1900"[For] distinguishing himself by meritorious conduct"
Martin HuntMarine CorpsPrivateBeijingChinaJune 20, 1900 - July 16, 1900
Joseph KillackeyNavyLandmanChinaJune 13, 1900 - June 22, 1900

[edit]United States occupation of Haiti

ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
DanielDaly.jpgDaniel DalyMarine CorpsGunnery Sergeant15th Company of Marinesnear Fort Liberte, HaitiOctober 24, 1916Double MOH recipient

[edit]World War I

      This with the * indicates that the Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously
      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Three-quarters shot of a middle-aged man in a plain military uniform, standing almost at attention. He is wearing a campaign hat and two medals on his chest.Michael A. DonaldsonArmySergeantSommerance-Landres-et-Saint-Georges Road, FranceOct 14, 1918Rescued six wounded men despite intense fire
Head and shoulders of an older man with neatly combed and parted gray hair wearing a suit and tie.William J. DonovanArmyLieutenant Colonelnear Landres-et-Saint-Georges,FranceOct 14, 1918 –Oct 15, 1918Exposed himself to fire in order to lead and organize his men, remained with them after being wounded[16]
Richard W. O'NeillArmySergeanton the Ourcq RiverFranceJul 30, 1918Continued to lead an attack despite being repeatedly wounded[16]
Michael J. Perkins*ArmyPrivate First ClassBelleu Bois, FranceOct 27, 1918Singly-handedly attacked and captured a pillbox[17]
Joseph H. ThompsonArmyMajorApremontFranceOctober 1, 1918

[edit]World War II

      This with the * indicates that the Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously
      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Frank BurkeArmyFirst LieutenantNuremberg, GermanyApril 17, 1945Also known as Francis X. Burke.[6]
Head and shoulders of a man in a white jacket with black shoulderboards with binoculars hanging from around his neck. His eyes are shaded by a white peaked cap with a black visor.Daniel J. Callaghan*NavyRear AdmiralNaval Battle of Guadalcanal, Savo IslandNovember 12, 1942 –November 13, 1942[18]
Robert Craig*ArmySecond Lieutenantnear Favoratta,SicilyJuly 11, 1943[19]
Michael J. DalyArmyFirst LieutenantNuremberg, GermanyApril 18, 1945
Charles E. KellyArmyCorporalnear Altavilla, ItalySeptember 13, 1943[20]
black and white headshot of Joseph McCarthy in his military uniformJoseph J. McCarthyMarine Corps ReserveCaptain2nd Battalion24th Marine Regiment4th Marine DivisionIwo JimaFebruary 21, 1945Risked his life to eliminate several enemy troops so his men could move forward
Cadet Thomas B. McGuire.jpgThomas B. McGuire, Jr.*Army Air ForcesMajorover Luzon, Philippine IslandsDecember 25, 1944 –December 26, 1944The second leading air ace in World War II before being killed in action in January 1945. McGuire Air Force Base is named for him.[6]
Audie Murphy uniform medals.jpgAudie L. MurphyArmySecond Lieutenantnear Holtzwihr,FranceJanuary 26, 1945Highest number of decorations for US combatant.
William J. O'Brien*ArmyLieutenant ColonelSaipan, Marianas IslandsJune 20, 1944 –July 7, 1944
OCallahan JT h47538.jpgJoseph T. O'CallahanNavyCommandernear Kobe, JapanMarch 19, 1945Chaplain aboard aircraft carrier USS Franklin.
Edward Ohare.jpgEdward H. O'HareNavyLieutenantoff Papua New GuineaFebruary 20, 1942O'Hare International Airport in Chicago was named in his memory.
RichardOKane.jpgRichard H. O'KaneNavyCommanderPhilippine IslandsOctober 23, 1944 –October 24, 1944For submarine operations against two Japanese convoys.[21]
Walsh KA.jpgKenneth A. WalshMarine CorpsFirst LieutenantSolomon Islands areaAugust 15, 1943 andAugust 30, 1943

[edit]Korean War

      This with the * indicates that the Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously
      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Thomas J Hudner 1950.jpgThomas J. Hudner, Jr.NavyLieutenant, Junior GradeFighter Squadron 32, attached to U.S.S. LeyteBattle of Chosin ReservoirKoreaDecember 4, 1950Risked his life to rescue a downed pilot
Murphy RG.jpgRaymond G. MurphyUSMCRSecond LieutenantCompany A, 1st Battalion, 5th Marines1st Marine Division (Rein.)KoreaFebruary 3, 1953Although wounded he refused medical care to fight the enemy until all his men and casualties had been taken care of.
OBrien GH.jpgGeorge H. O'Brien, Jr.USMCRSecond LieutenantCompany H, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines1st Marine Division (Rein.)KoreaOctober 27, 1952Provided cover and care for wounded while his unit was attacking the enemy

[edit]Vietnam War

ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Head and shoulders of a white man with dark hair wearing a military jacket with a round patch on the upper sleeve, and oak leaf emblem atop the shoulder, and ribbon bars and pins on the left breast.Patrick H. BradyArmyMajornear Chu Lai,Republic of VietnamJanuary 6, 1968Flew multiple missions against heavy fire to evacuate 51 wounded men[22]
Head and shoulders of a white man with short hair, wearing a military jacket with a star-shaped medal hanging from a ribbon around his neck.Roger H. C. DonlonArmyCaptainnear Nam Dong,Republic of VietnamJuly 6, 1964Rescued and administered first aid to several wounded soldiers and led a group to defeat an enemy force causing them to retreat leaving behind 54 of their dead, many weapons, and grenades.
Kern W. DunaganArmyCaptainQuang Tin Province,Republic of VietnamMay 13, 1969Although wounded he directed fire onto enemy positions and rescued several wounded soldiers
Portrait of a middle-aged white man in a formal military uniform in front of a U.S. flagRobert F. FoleyArmyCaptainnear Quan Dau Tieng, Republic of VietnamNovember 5, 1966Despite his painful wounds he refused medical aid and persevered in the forefront of the attack on the enemy redoubt. He led the assault on several enemy gun emplacements and, single-handedly, destroyed three such positions.
A black and white image showing Kelley from the waist up in his military dress uniform.Thomas G. KelleyNavyLieutenantOng Muong Canal, Kien Hoa Province,Republic of VietnamJune 15, 1969Successfully relayed commands through one of his men until an enemy attack was silenced and the boats he was leading were able to move to safety
A black and white headshot of a young McMahon wearing a suit and tie. He is turned slightly to the right with his head down and he is smiling.Thomas J. McMahon*ArmySpecialist FourQuang Tin Province,Republic of VietnamMarch 19, 1969While attempting to rescue three wounded soldiers despite heavy enemy fire, he was able to carry two of the men to safety but was killed while trying to rescue the third.
a colored image of an elderly McNerney in a business suit wearing his Medal of Honor around his neck. He is facing to the left.David H. McNerneyArmyFirst SergeantPolei Doc, Republic of VietnamMarch 22, 1967Despite being wounded after his unit was attacked, he assumed command of the unit when the company commander was killed, organized the defense, and helped arrange a helicopter evacuation of the wounded. He refused his own medical evacuation and instead stayed with the company until a new commander arrived.
A black and white headshot photo of Noonan in his military dress blue uniform with hat.Thomas P. Noonan, Jr.*Marine CorpsLance Corporalnear Vandergrift Combat Base, A Shau Valley,Republic of VietnamFebruary 5, 1969Killed while attempting to rescue a wounded man
Head and shoulders of a white man with a pointed mustache, wearing a star-shaped medal on a blue ribbon around his neck.Robert E. O'MalleyMarine CorpsCorporalCompany I, 3rd Battalion 3rd Marinesnear An Cu'ong 2,South VietnamAugust 18, 1965Risked his life and led his men to repeatedly attack the enemy, assist another Marine unit that had inflicted heavy casualties and led his unit to a helicopter for evacuation.
A black and white head shot of Shea in his military dress uniform with hat.Daniel J. Shea*ArmyPrivate First ClassQuảng Trị Province,Republic of VietnamMay 14, 1969Killed by enemy gunfire after assisting in the defeat of an attacking enemy force
A black and white image showing the head and upper torso of Sijan wearing his military dress uniform with ribbons.Lance P. Sijan*Air ForceCaptainNorth VietnamNovember 9, 1967For actions while as a prisoner of war
A color image showing Thornton from the waist up in a business suit. He is wearing his Medal of Honor around his neck, with his left hand over his heart.Michael E. ThorntonNavyEnginemanSecond ClassQuảng Trị Province,Republic of VietnamOctober 31, 1972Saved the life of his superior officer and allowed the other members of his patrol to escape

[edit]War in Afghanistan

      This with the * indicates that the Medal of Honor was awarded posthumously
      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland
ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
Top half of young man in circa 2000 dress U.S. Navy uniform of junior officer.Michael P. Murphy*NavyLieutenantSEAL Delivery Vehicle Team 1Near Asadabad, Kunar ProvinceJune 28, 2005Led a four-man reconnaissance team in a fight against superior numbers, exposed himself to hostile fire in order to call for help


      This indicates that the recipient was born in Ireland

ImageNameServiceRankUnitPlace of actionDate of actionNotes
William AhernNavyWatertenderOn board the USS PuritanJuly 1, 1897
Thomas CaheyNavySeamanOn board the USS PetrelMarch 31, 1901
John J. ClauseyNavyChief Gunner's MateUSS Bennington (PG-4), San Diego, Calif.Jul 21, 1905For extraordinary heroism when boiler exploded on ship.[9]
John CostelloNavyOrdinary SeamanUSS Hartford, Philadelphia, Pa.Jul 16, 1876For rescuing from drowning a Landsman of the USS Hartford[9]
Thomas CramenNavyBoatswain's MateOn board the USS PortsmouthFebruary 7, 1882
Frank W. CrilleyNavyChief Gunner's Matewreck site of the USS F-4 (SS-23), off Honolulu, HawaiiApr 17, 1915For rescuing a fellow diver who had become tangled in the wreckage and trapped underwater[6][9]
Willie CronanNavyBoatswain's MateUSS Bennington (PG-4), San Diego, Calif.Jul 21, 1905Bravery shown during ship's boiler explosion[9]
John DempseyNavySeamanShanghaiChinaJanuary 23, 1875
John FlannaganNavyBoatswain's MateLe HavreFranceOctober 26, 1878
Edward FloydNavyBoilermakerOn board the USS IowaJanuary 25, 1905
Hugh KingNavyOrdinary SeamanOn board the USS IroquoisSeptember 7, 1871
John KingNavyWatertenderOn board the USS Vicksburg
On board the USS Salem
May 29, 1901
September 13, 1909
Double MOH recipient
Patrick J. KyleNavyLandmanPort MahonMinorcaMarch 13, 1879
John O'NealNavyBoatswain's MateGreytown, NicaraguaApril 12, 1872
Patrick ReganNavyOrdinary SeamanCoquimboChileJuly 30, 1873
Patrick ReidNavyChief WatertenderOn board the USS North DakotaSeptember 8, 1910
Thomas SmithNavySeamanParáBrazilOctober 1, 1878
Thomas StantonNavyChief Machinist's MateOn board the USS North DakotaSeptember 8, 1910
James ThayerNavyShip's CorporalOn board the USS ConstitutionNovember 16, 1879
Michael ThorntonNavySeamanOn board the USS LeydenAugust 26, 1881

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