Monday, October 15, 2012

Because Felix Baumgartner Jumped at the World, Does That Mean We Must? Hmmmm?

I gottcha, Felix!!!!!!  - Fred Snodgrass*

Some one, at some time and some where, told Felix Baumgartner to take flying leap.

. . . Felix Baumgartner jumped off the edge of the space, from 127,000 feet of altitude all the way back down to Earth, breaking some world records and getting vital information for NASA in the process. Watch as he jumps out of the capsule. It's a frightening, adrenaline-fueled, historic moment.

Apres Vous, Felix, Apres Vous.

* Fred Snodgrass

*File:Fred-snodgrass.jpgIn the second, the 1912 Series, Snodgrass committed one of the most famous errors in baseball history. In the 10th inning of the deciding game, Snodgrass, who was among the National League's best outfielders, dropped a routine fly ball that put the tying run on second base. He proceeded to make a spectacular game-saving catch on the next play, but the Sox went on to score two runs in the inning to win the series.[1]

Snodgrass before a game of the 1911 World Series
Giants manager John McGraw was not among those who blamed Snodgrass for the loss. In his book My Thirty Years in the Game, McGraw remarked, "Often I have been asked what I did to Fred Snodgrass after he dropped that fly ball in the World Series of 1912...I will tell you exactly what I did: I raised his salary $1,000."[2]Just the same, the error became known as "Snodgrass's Muff" and also, the "$30,000 Muff."[3]

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Pat,
    My works are available on Amazon CreateSpace and KDP under my professional name billwestphd See, for instance, my CELTIC SONGS< SELECTED POEMS (originally Stoney Road Press, Dublin Eire, but now on Amazon ) and my ART SONGS: COLLECTED POEMS OF BILL WEST 700 pp. with my art. Best, Bill Hiebel
