Saturday, October 20, 2012

" How's She Cuttin', Jesse!" Mayo Songs for Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr.

a choinneáil súil beo - Keep Hope Alive!

Well, it's back to Mayo, God help us All!  All the best!

Just between us , lad (whisper) -Beidh sé deas a fháil amach as an bhean*, is dócha! Here's a song for your journey!

A fháil ar roinnt eile agus na blonds fhágáil ina n-aonar - Rest up and leave the Blondies alone!

Having been away for so long, this might help you to communicate your desires and wishes -

See you when you get back! Dea-Slán!

*(loosely) Ah, what the good woman don't know is all the shakings of the bag.

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