Monday, September 10, 2012

SEIU Stands WITH CTU While Scabbing Every Day

SEIU is a Marxist PAC.  It is responsible for not only the decline of American Labor, but also the murder of the American Middle Class that organized labor helped to make a wonder of the world after WWII.

SEIU is led by Reds in purple costumes armed with social work degrees from University of Pennsylvannia with a modest sprinkling of nurses.

SEIU own most Democratic legislators in Illinois, the Mayor of Chicago ( that is why they are allowed to sit this one out)  as well as the President of the United States who have no comment on this strike whatsoever!

SEIU is as phony as every Progressive I have ever encountered.

SEIU will cross the picket-lines.

I wonder if Bruce Springsteen will warble out a ballad about that.

Service Employees International Union Stands in Solidarity with 26,000 public school teachers, clinicians and paraprofessionals of Chicago Public Schools.The Chicago Teachers Union is calling for a better school day and adequate resources for students, as well as fair compensation and improved job security for teachers. SEIU supports the CTU if they are forced to strike; however, many of our members are contractually obligated to work in the event of a strike. SEIU members will continue to work at the schools to ensure the safety and health of Chicago’s schoolchildren as their teachers fight for their education.
Strong public schools are critical for working families in Chicago.
SEIU Illinois calls on Chicago Public Schools to prevent a strike by giving our students, schools and teachers the resources they need to succeed.
When Rahm fires the membership of CTU, SEIU will welcome their dues!

Teach, mop, dust it's all good!

 Now, that's Solidarity!

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