Tuesday, September 11, 2012

SEIU Scabs - It's All Good . . .evidently

Ever wonder where the labor term "scab" comes from? For those who might not know, a scab is also sometimes called a"strikebreaker:" a person who returns to the job without permission from the union or the striking workers during a strike action. One of the most powerful weapons a labor union has is a strike. By crossing the picket line, a scab can render a strike useless. Kate Thomas -SEIU.org

I grew up in a family that despises scabs.  We were all taught as soon as we could walk -Never Cross a Picket Line.

That is an absolute. I never have done so. Nor have I given business to anti-union entities - No Wal-Mart ever; unlike many Progressives. Real labor created the standard of living that I have been blessed with all my life.  Real labor is sacred.  

These days?  Not so much.

When Real Labor decided that SEIU made a good partner a few years ago things changed. Big Labor is equated with SEIU and AFSCME and many manifestations of teachers unions.  All are public-salary entities.

Real labor took a beating that will continue until the goals of the Marxists who run and control public service labor are reached and the middle class built by organized labor will disappear.

Here is just one example of this Marxist/Trotskyite hypocrisy that goes unchallenged by news papers, radio and television:

Message to All SEIU Local 73 Members at Chicago Public Schools
Posted by adamrosen on SEIU Local 73 stands in solidarity with 26,000 public school teachers, clinicians and paraprofessionals who are fighting for a contract with Chicago Public Schools. However, we do have a contract with Chicago Public Schools and we cannot go on a sympathy strike with CTU.  The majority of our members approved a contract with CPS that included a no subcontracting agreement for the life of the agreement along with a “me-too” clause on wages comparable to what is achieved for paraprofessionals. . . .(wait for it!). . .However, we do have a contract with Chicago Public Schools and we cannot go on a sympathy strike with CTU.  The majority of our members approved a contract with CPS that included a no subcontracting agreement for the life of the agreement along with a “me-too” clause on wages comparable to what is achieved for paraprofessionals.

Solidarity?   Uh, huh.  Now, that's some real Studs Terkel Lefty Horse-shit! Imagine a guy telling the mother of his six children, " Babe, I only kinda slept and had sex with that man." The heart wants . . . what the #$%^?

Real labor backed the Chicago Tribune's striking printers from January 1986 and all the way through the buy-out settlements in Sept. 1987.

Pickets from every skilled trade union marched with the Printers and did not cross the picket line and cancelled the Chicago Tribune.

 That was then.
This is now.  
I doubt if an inflatable rat will get dumped at SEIU headquarters on Ashland, but one should be carted there in Teamster City.

O Tempora, O Mores!

Different Times, different bullshit, or horse-shit, or both.



1 comment:

  1. I guess we cancel each other out. I try to avoid any company that DOES employ greedy, useless, lazy, ignorant union workers. Unions are the most un-American concept going.
