Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"You Didn't Build That!" Planned Parenthood's Barack H. Obama

 Let’s be clear here: Women are not an interest group.-President Barrack H. Obama

"Thank You, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thanks to all of you at Planned Parenthood for all the work that you are doing for women all across the country and for families all across the country-and for men who have enough sense to realize you are helping them, all across the country. I want to thank Cecile Richards (national president of Planned Parenthood) for her extraordinary leadership. I am happy to see so many good friends here today, including Steve Trombley and Pam Sutherland from my home state of Illinois. We had a number of battles down in Springfield from many years and it's wonderful to see that they are here today."

-- Barack Hussein Obama, speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, 17 July 2007

They’re mothers, and daughters, and sisters, and wives. They’re half of this country. They’re perfectly capable of making their own choices about their health. President Barack H. Obama

The Dowager Class -Planned Parenthood/NOW & Etc. - own the White House. Here is their dignified and serious point of view -

The protesters carried signs saying such things as, “Read my lips. Leave my vagina alone,” and argued that pro-life Republicans are waging a war against women.
But with the official proceedings, along with two Lynyrd Skynyrd concerts and the premiere of an anti-Occupy Wall Street movie canceled Sunday and Monday due to weather, it wasn’t until Sunday night at The Welcome Event that the protesters found a large group of Republicans to confront. -The Hollywood Reporter

Code Pink Vagina Stunt National GOP - H 2012

In America we are still still free to choose.

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