Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catch Terry Sullivan Live ONLY If You Have One Foot in the Groove!

Scat Baxter- Herring Croker"What goes on around here? There's a dark horse in this here race and my boy's running a slow third*."

Pearls Oignon "Scat, don't say stinks. If absolutely necessary, smells, but only if absolutely necessary."

Bucko Flannigan-  "Oh Scat you're slipping. That used to terrify me, the withering glance of the goddess. Terry Sullivan and the Chicago Jazz Caravan Shade me from the heat and that's what the round hair cuts call cool, Jill and Jacks!  Gates, from Cottage Groove to Buffalo Groove, Cats will swing  like saloon doors on pay-day with Terry, even if it hair-lips the Governor!" 

with vocalist Terry Sullivan

Sunday, July 15, 2012
3:00 pm
TWELVEWEST nightclub
12 West Elm, Chicago
Admission $15

Limited seating; reservations recommended
at 312/337-3200 or
Dress: business casual or better

is a roving ensemble of some of
Chicago’s most seasoned jazz musicians,
performing music reminiscent of
New York jazz supper clubs of the ‘fifties.

Tom Muellner, piano     Art Davis, trumpet
Larry Kohut, bass     Terry Sullivan, vocals

TWELVEWEST is Chicago ’s
sophisticated new gold coast nightclub.

 * Bowdlerized dialog from High Society

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