Monday, June 25, 2012

Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone Claims Incoming Leo Student

A Genuine Shower of Bastards - G. Flint Taylor and the Architects of Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone

Ceasefire ( Gangbanger Pensioners),  Marches, T-Shirts, and Gun Turn-Ins are band-aids on cancer.  Chicago is and has been a Thug Comfort Zone where murdering thugs without any moral compass are allowed to kill with impunity and often immunity.

The lawyers and the media and gutless elected officials have helped every gang and independent sociopath feel free to murder in the knowledge that G. Flint Taylor, Jon Loevy and Locke Bowman as well as the Innocense Project and other massively funded university based 'feel-good' coalitions of the comfortable have their backs.

These self-puffing individuals and corporations have undermined any and all public confidence in the American judicial system and have gelded the authority of police officers to combat the killers.  Cadillac Commie lawyers like G. Flint Taylor has a seat at the head of the table for our Chicago bullshit buffet - Chicagoans have been schooled by the academics, columnists and the Peoples Law Office with the Burge Myth.

This Friday night, an incoming freshman to Leo High School was slain thanks to this collective handiwork by the Lawsuit Lotto Lawyers.  On Sunday G. Flint Taylor was given another editorial page perch in the Chicago Sun Times to pound out more Burge Mythology in order to gain him more clients and out of court settlement jackpots.
G. Flint Taylor has failed to prove that Chicago Police Officers tortured anyone; yet, Burge remains Chicago's Burge -ie Man and killings pile up higher than unclaimed corpses in Toni Preckwinkle's morgue.

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Chicago police said Antonio Davis, 14, was shot and killed Friday night near 69th and Union around 8:40 p.m.A day later, a 13-year-old boy was shot and killed in the 6200-block of South Rhodes. Neighbors said there was a large party at the home where the boy was shot that spilled into the street.
Also, a 14-year-old and 15-year-old are recovering from being shot while playing basketball near their home Saturday night. It happened around 8:43pm in the 2400-block of East 74th Street. The two victims were playing when a gunman approached on foot and opened fire, striking the two.
Davis' family said he was an A and B student at Leo High School and had dreams of becoming a basketball player.
"I just know that he was walking to the store to get my niece's baby water and a car pulled up and jumped out at him and shot him" said Davis' aunt, Latrice Strong

Until we recognize the source of Chicago's Thug Comfort Zone, more families will grieve. You can trace the building of Chicago's Thug Comfort from G. Flint Taylor's initial dabblings in the Burge Mythology - thirty years of construction for this societal destruction and millions of dollars in his pockets.

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