Thursday, June 14, 2012

And YOU think this is Funny?!!!? . . .Sort of .. . Well, Yes, . . .Yes I Do.

 There are women and then there are . . .Babes attacked by Baboons, Nazi-C-Cup Cakes, Asian Pirate Queens with Bad Tempers and Dames You Are Noooooooooot Quite Sure About But With Legs Up-to H'Yar!

Women nurture, tolerate, soothe, encourage, motivate and feed us.

The others?  They are fictive loin zippos for healthy young males and patheic old gents. I tend to be both.  I am close to six decades of twelve year old sensibilites. Call me Sparky Loyns.  

I was sent to the barber shop as often as to the Confessional - weekly.  My Dad could tell which barber shop was engaged by the level of lust radiating from my adolescent musk factory and sneaky furtive eyes.

 t   Max Esposito's at 79th & Asland was G-Rated

 Mac's on 78th & Paulina gave free Pepsi and was a Book. Adult Amusement Solely but free pop and usually a losing horse-player did the cutting. " Know difference between a good and bad haircut, Kid?  Butch Wax and two weeks . . .now, blow!"

                                                             Dom's on 79th Walcott was PG 13

Casey's on Damen was R-Rated (Guess who controlled the double-digit male demographic?)                                                                          

The world we live is in no joke; therefore we must do everything that is in our power to make do with opportunity and the right viewing material.

This is an exceptionally compelling feature, in my opinion. The Waitress Masked Monkey!

Conservative?  I suppose.

Dashing?  Oh, ever defiantly so!

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