Monday, May 21, 2012

CPD is the Silk!

Well, What do you know? There ! Right there in Green Is By God Waldo!
I went to hear the Chicago Jazz Caravan featuring vocalist Miss Terry Sullivan perform at 12 West Elm in heart of the Gold Coast yesterday. Miss Sullivan and a trio of jazz geniuses ( Tommy Muellner- piano, Jim Cox - bassist and Art Davis Trumpet and Flugelhorn) gave a brilliant afternoon of jazz and standards from the American Songbook to a score or more hearty souls from 3PM - 5: 30 PM.

This show went off despite fears that the NATO Summit might sweep the streets with mobs of protesters and Anarchist nut-jobs.. Not so.

I believe that I have mentioned that I live on the south side, Morgan Park. I eschewed the Dan Ryan for the trip north taking Western Ogden and then a right turn on Chicago Avenue to State Street.  It was the  Cat's Nuts -  less than 45 minute and I hit every green light like I had been an Obama Bundle-er.

The Chicago Police and the good sense citizens of Chicago made this all possible.  CPD were present and visible.

On the Gold Coast itself the employed youth of America packed cafes, beer gardens and the streets with disposable income earned from their toils this past week.

At Viagra Triangle itself my contemporaries including former Mayor Richard M. Daley sunned themselves outside of Gibson's Steak House, while Nannies and Moms with strollers bought ice cream at the kiosk.

Unseen all day, for me anyway, were the storied throngs Andy Thayer's Street Party.  I parked, enjoyed great jazz, occupied  a bar stool next to Dominic, who was hacked from the Illinois Human Rights Commission by Blago.  We chatted about political bottom-feeders. It was the berries.

Further to the south my neighbors and hundreds of other members of the Chicago Police Department and Chicago Fire Department heroes tended to the protesting throngs.  While Miss Terry Sullivan sang "Day-in; Day Out" to the fiery tempo set by  Jim Cox's Bass and fingers, the time of the Andy Thayer Party Permit expired and Superintendent Garry McCarthy, who stood with his officers all day and all night, ordered the crowds to disperse, thanks for coming, don't forget the handy trash bins for Green America, head home, good night, take it on the heel and toe, it was swell!

Some guests need to be shown the door and instructed in the operation of its best use.

The Black Bloc Anarchist met the Blue Bloc Centurions.

With a minimum of bumps and scrapes the intemperate and the angry were encouraged to leave.

One Chicago Police Officer was stabbed and more than a few injured.

Chicago Police Department showed the world how to handle idiots, with temperance, restraint and the odd nudge.

I listened to full account on WBBM AM. as I drove home from a great afternoon of jazz.  I hit every green light going south, until 59th & Western Ave..  Is this  a great City or what?

God Bless the Officers, Firefighters, Traffic Control Pros, Streets and Sanitation Workers who kept Chicago and its visitors safe and cleaned up the tons of mess that Green Friendly Andy Thayer's Street Party left scattered.

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