Monday, April 16, 2012

Vote the Helm & O'Connor Team for Amundsen LSC -April 19th

Bill Helm gets things done . . .for the people he serves.

LSC's are that important. Here on the far south side, the 19th Ward neighbors ensured that 19th Ward residents were voted to the Chicago Ag School LSC.

LSC's are too often political agenda push-pins for the likes of Mike Klonsky - a devout Leftist.

The Amundsen LSC has two career public servants, men of genuine and tested ability running for that LSC on April 19th.

Though many miles from my neighborhood, Amundsen LSC deserves to have Helm & O'Connor helping out and not some plants from an activist farm.

I have known Bill Helm for fifteen years as man of integrity, intelligence and innovative thinking. Bill is no grandstanding, photo-op celebrity, but a hands-on, set-up-the-chairs and stay-to-clean-up after man who is all about doing the job and making sure others get the credit.

Bill is teamed up with young man named Brendan O'Connor. That speaks loudly for Mr. O'Connor.

Bill Helm makes things happen, for other people. He told me,
The only way to vote is by showing up at Amundsen on Thursday, April 19th, between the hours of 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. If you drive, there is free parking in the lot on Damen, just south of Foster. While it may seem hard to believe, their are actually 7 people running for the 2 spots so this is an election where every vote does count. We think that if we can get 75 votes, the Helm & O'Connor Team will win!!

Helm & O'Connor for Amundsen LSC
William A. Helm has been an active and dedicated member of the community for over twenty five years.His deep sense of responsibility to the community, coupled with his belief that civic engagement can effect positive change, has led him to volunteer his time and talents to many organizations and projects in the neighborhood. Mr. Helm was the former Deputy Superintendent of the Cook County ForestPreserve District. As Deputy Superintendent of the Forest Preserve District, Mr. Helm was responsible for balancing the yearly budgets and after his tenure left the FPDCC with a budget surplus, one of the only local government units to have a surplus rather than a deficit. He is now a Director of Operations for the Illinois Department of Transportation.

A staunch supporter of the Chicago Public Schools and an ardent advocate for sufficient public school funding, Mr. Helm has been an active member of the Local School Council at Amundsen High School since 1996. During his tenure on the LSC, he has successfully leveraged private andgovernmental relationships for the benefit of Amundsen High School and will continue to cultivate those relationships to ensure that every student at Amundsen High School receives quality education.

As a former member of both the Winnemac Park Advisory Council, and Welles Park Advisory Council, Mr. Helm, along with many other dedicated community neighbors, spearheaded fundraising efforts to create play lots for the families and children of the ward to play in and enjoy. He also helped, through the incredible generosity of the Jorndt family (proud alumni of Amundsen High School) to transform
Amundsen’s campus to include
Winnemac Park and JorndtStadium, which is
commonly referred to as the ‘Crown Jewel of Parks’ in Chicago.

Valuing and respecting the vital contributions senior citizens have made and continue to make,in the ward, Mr. Helm has helped plan and organize appreciation luncheons and various events for seniors during the holidays and throughout the year.
What's the single most pressing issue at your school, and what role do you envision the LSC playing in addressing it?
Currently, the LSC is in the process of selecting a new principal for Amundsen High School. Principalselection is undoubtedly one of the most significant and impactful duties required of the LSC. I am committed to selecting a principal dedicated to advancing the quality of education at Amundsen by expanding the IB program and Smaller Learning Communities. I am also committed to opening up the principal selection process by asking for vital feedback from neighbors and the teachers at Amundsen.
What prompted you to run for LSC?
Quality public education is absolutely necessary for a healthy society. Since 1996, I have been dedicated to making Amundsen High School a viable option for parents to send their children to and will hopefully continue to advance that goal. Thank you

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