Friday, March 23, 2012

Obama 2012 Campaign Obeyed - No Report That More Than 1,000 People Rallied At Federal Plaza Today

Not Breaking News, Not Metro, Not Chicagoland. Nada, Zip, Nothing.

Dave Axelrod scares more Chicago newsies than Rahm without his breakfast, evidently.

I can almost hear Comb Over Dave's quietly petulant admonition to Bruce Dold and Thom McNamee -"President Obama will not be embarrassed by Catholics, Jews, Lutherans or other nutbags. Remember G-8? You too can be as gone. No protest because it did not happen; no coverage because it never took place. Now that is Coverage Mandate you can believe in! Now, scat!"

Did happen. Happened big, and thousands of Chicagoan saw it.

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