Monday, February 06, 2012

Egypt Lives up to "Arab" Stereotypes - Where's CAIR?

"Why does the word “Arab” evoke images of terrorists & veiled, oppressed women?" -website Reclaiming Identity: dismantling Arab Stereotypes

Gee, I don't know. Maybe this might help:

I offered my morning rosary to Our Lady to help keep the 19 young Americans safe from the Arab Springers of Egypt.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood's son Sam is among the group of current and former studens in Cairo to help that civility challenged nation at least appear to be interested in living at peace with Christians and Jews.

God help them.

CAIRO — Egyptian authorities have charged the Egypt country directors of the International Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute in an investigation into the financing of pro-democracy organizations, state media reported Monday.

IRI’s Sam LaHood, the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, was the first of 43 names published Monday afternoon on the Arabic-language Web site by state-owned newspaper al-Ahram. Several other American and Egyptian IRI employees are also being charged.

. . .Fayza Abul Naga, Egypt’s minister for international cooperation, who is widely seen as the mastermind of the probe, said Sunday’s announcement should leave no doubt about the “government’s seriousness about discovering some of these groups’ plans to destabilize Egypt,” the state-owned newspaper al-Ahram reported on its Web site. The minister is among the few Mubarak loyalists who remain in the Egyptian cabinet.

There is no Statement by CAIR - it is busydoing nothing to dismantle arab stereotypes. Here is a partial list of CAIR's immediate concerns

U.S. Muslim on No-Fly List Detained after Sea Travel to U.K.
Oregon resident took train to N.Y., ship to U.K., was detained on arrival

CAIR Calls for Reform of FBI's Training on Islam, Muslims
CAIR today joined a coalition of other civil rights and advocacy organizations in calling on the FBI to eliminate anti-Muslim bias from the system used to train its agents.

Al-Awlaki's Calls to Violence Rejected by U.S. Muslims
Civil rights group concerned about constitutional issues raised by assassination of American citizen

CAIR Says Bill Unfairly Singles Out U.S. Muslims
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/19/11) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today urged American Muslims and other people of conscience to call members of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee about proposed legislation that singles out American Muslims for additional scrutiny over the threat of violent extremism in the United States.

CAIR Concerned About FBI’s Use of ‘Outreach’ to Spy on Muslims
ACLU documents show agents gathering intelligence on those they met

CAIR Decries Santorum’s Call for Profiling of Muslims
Civil rights group asks Republicans to reject Islamophobia

CAIR Asks FBI to Probe Internet Threats to Mosques
Comment on anti-Islam hate site: ‘I want [Muslim] blood on my hands’

TN GOP Rep. Tells Muslims to ‘Go Back to Where They Came From’
CAIR says GOP leaders must demand Rep. Womick’s resignation from Tennessee General Assembly

CAIR: D.C. Hotel Uses ‘National Security’ Defense in Muslim Bias Suit
Muslim civil rights group calls hotel’s defense an ‘unprecedented claim’

Safe, it pal.

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