Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Devil You Say? Yep. Santorum Against the Later-Day Pharisees

Joshua Bar Joseph of Carpenters Local 1 Nazareth confronted by Media Matters

The clown opera that is the national media trots out a video of a speech given by Rick Santorum in 2008 at Ave Maria University in Florida. Okay.

Ave Maria University is a Catholic University funded and founded by Tom Monahan, a devout Catholic millionaire who like many Catholics was troubled by schools of high education and universities traditionally identified as Roman Catholic morphing into University of Chicago.

I still can not get my head around Notre Dame's conferring an Honorary Degree upon Planned Parenthood's only President. Likewise Jesuit Georgetown's spineless removal of religious iconography in compliance with the most secular White House since Woodrow Wilson. It was not my call, to be sure, but I don't need to like it.

Tom Monahan's Ave Maria University is the real deal. In a few years, Ave Maria will give the PR and PC driven school in South Bend, Indiana a sound drubbing on the grid-iron.

Sen. Santorum was in the wilderness in 2008. He was out of the Senate, but in-demand as an intelligent voice of orthdox Christian principles. Sen. Santorum is now the front-runner for the GOP and Media target for duration.

Maureen Dowd is a clever but silly woman with a perch at the New York Times. Raised a Catholic, but evolved a Feminist Progressive. Maureen Dowd has pushed to front of the crowd of Pharisees taking shots at Santorum's very sound Satan analogies and historical consequences of secularism. In fact Santiorum sounds like GK Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc and CS Lewis much more than Dowd's Savanorola - Dominican Preacher in 15th Century Florence who condemned the Borgia and the Medici 1%-ers who controlled banking and the Papacy. Savanorola was torched by the media of his day -literally and figuratively.

Rick Santorum has been called a latter-day Savonarola.

That’s far too grand. He’s more like a small-town mullah.

“Satan has his sights on the United States of America,” the conservative presidential candidate warned in 2008. “Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition.”

Mo don't like the Satan bit. Shoot, Satan even a had a part in Jesus Christ Superstar, as well as those "big-nosed garlic eaters" that Rev, Jeremiah Wright hated, Mo.

Feminists and Progressives hold that belief in sin is a sign of the 'unevolved.'

To be evolved one must accept every manifestation of sexual procilivity as a'Oh, So Human and the Way One was Born.' Mo goes on -
Santorum, who is considered “too Catholic” even by my über-Catholic brothers, clearly believes that America’s soul wounds include men and women having sex for reasons other than procreation, people involved in same-sex relationships, women using contraception or having prenatal testing, environmentalists who elevate “the Earth above man,” women working outside the home, “anachronistic” public schools, Mormonism (which he said is considered “a dangerous cult” by some Christians), and President Obama (whom he obliquely and oddly compared to Hitler and accused of having “some phony theology”).

Well, yeah. That might be what one might believe Maureen might one not? Jesus of Nazareth, not the Godspell Clown Jesus, said to the woman 'caught' in adultery - " I shall not condemn you, but, go and sin no more." BUT! For Dewey/Hegalian hair-splitting 'Yeah, But-ters' that is a tough conclusive clause.

The Pharisees were the Biblical Progressives, the puritans. They constantly harped at Jesus of Nazareth with Yeah But-ing. Pharisees believed in ORAL LAW - you, know, the crowd that holds with adjunct professor Obama that the Constitution is a LIVING document. No matter what is written or held as true, Pharisees (past and present) caper nimbly over any truth, just like the Father of Lies - Old Nick, Scratch, Satan.

Satan comes from the Jewish word meaning to turn away, or "to evolve."

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